Md. Shamsuzzoha
Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Mst. Afrose Jahan
Department of Soil Science, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Maruf Mostofa
Tuber Crops Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh
Rashma Afrose
Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Md. Sadiquzzaman Sarker
Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Partha Komol Kundu
Soil Resource Development Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh
BARI Til-3, Nitrogen, Boron, Sesame, Soil nutrient
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU), Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Crop-Soil-Water Management
Sesame, Fertilizer
Study area and time- The experiment was conducted during the period from February to May 2016 at the research field of Soil Science of SAU. The location of the experimental site is located at 23074/N latitude and 90035/E longitude and an elevation of 8.2 m from the sea level. Soil Condition and weather- The soil of the experimental field belongs to the Tejgaon series under the Agroecological Zone, Madhupur Tract (AEZ-28) and the General Soil Type is Deep Red Brown Terrace Soil. A composite sample was made by collecting soil from the field at a depth of 0-15 cm before the initiation of the experiment. The collected soil was air-dried, grounded and passed through 2 mm sieve and analyzed for significant physical and chemical parameters. The initial physical and chemical characteristics of the soil are presented. Details of the meteorological data during the period of the experiment was collected from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department, Dhaka (2016) are presented. Planting material- Seeds of BARI Til-3 were used as a test crop for the study and those were collected from Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur- 1701. This variety was developed by BARI and released for cultivation in the year of 2001 (BARI, 2012). It is a non-hairy medium-sized plant with primary and secondary branches with the high potential plant. Experimental treatment- The experiment consisted of two factors. Factor A: Levels of nitrogen (4 levels), N0: 0 kg N/ha (control), N1: 50 kg N/ha, N2: 60 kg N/ha, N3: 70 kg N/ha; Factor B: Levels of boron (3 levels), B0: 0 kg B/ha (control), B1: 2 kg B/ha, B2: 3 kg B/ha. Experimental design and layout- The experiment was laid out in two factors Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Each block was divided into 12 plots where 12 treatment combinations were allotted at random. The size of the plot was 2.5 m × 1.5 m. The distance between two blocks and two plots was 50 cm each. Fertilizer application- Manures and fertilizers that were applied to the experimental plot. The total amount of Cowdung, TSP, half of the MOP, total zinc and sulfur were applied as basal dose during the time of land preparation. The rest amount of MOP and the total amount of urea (as per treatment) were applied in two installments at 15 and 30 days after seed sowing. Crop Management- All intercultural operations such as irrigation, thinning, gap filling, weeding and plant protection measures were taken as per when needed. The pods were harvested depending upon the attaining good sized and the harvesting was done manually. Enough care was taken during harvesting. Parameters determined- The data were collected from the inner rows of plants of each treatment to avoid the border effect. In each unit plot, ten plants were selected at random for data collection. Data were recorded on the following parameters. Chemical analysis of seed and stover samples- Collection and preparation of samples- Seed and stover samples were collected after threshing and finely grounded by using a Wiley-Mill grinder to pass through a 60-mesh sieve. Then the plant samples were dried in an oven at 70 ºC for 72 hours and grounded by a grinding machine to pass through a 20-mesh sieve. Then the samples were analyzed for determination of N, P, K, S and B concentrations. Determination of N, P, K, S and B from samples- N concentration of the sample was determined followed by the Micro Kjeldahl Method (Page et al., 1982). Phosphorous and Potassium concentration in samples was determined as described by Olsen et al., 1954 and Page et al., 1982. Sulphur concentration in samples was determined as described by Page et al., 1982 and Hunter, 1984. Boron concentration in samples was determined as described by Hunter, (1984). Chemical analysis of post-harvested soil: Post-harvest soil sampling- After harvesting of the sesame, soil samples were collected from each plot at a depth of 0 to 15 cm. Soil samples of each plot was air-dried, crushed and passed through a two mm (10 meshes) sieve. The soil samples were kept in a plastic container to determine the physical and chemical properties of soil. Soil analysis- Total N content of the soil was determined followed by the Micro Kjeldahl Method (Page et al., 1982). Soil pH, organic matter and Exchangeable K were measured as described by Page et al., (1982). Available P was measured as described by Olsen et al., 1954 and Page et al., 1982. Available B was measured as described by Hunter, (1984). Statistical analysis- The data obtained for different parameters were statistically analyzed by using Statistix 10 (Statistix, 2013) computer package program to find out the significant difference of different levels of nitrogen and boron. The significance of the difference among the treatment means was estimated by the Least Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% level of probability (Gomez and Gomez, 1984).
Res. Agric., Livest. Fish.6(2): 203-213, August 2019