MS Hossain
Training Division, BRRI, Gazipur
Plant extract, Hot water, Control, F. moniliforme, Rice
Variety and Species
Rice, Extract (plant, seed)
Sample collection: Seed samples of rice were collected from naturally bakanae infected fields. They were identified during the seed health testing with low (<20%), medium (20-40%) and high (>40%) infection of Fusarium moniliforme at Plant Pathology Laboratory, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Gazipur.
Preparation of plant extract: The common and locally available medicinal plants such as Garlic, Neem, Onion, Tulshi, Mehendi, Ganda, Basak and Zinger were selected for screening antifungal activity. The known quantity of collected plant materials was surface sterilized with 0.1% Mercuric chloride and repeatedly washed in sterile distilled water. Then the materials were cut into small pieces and oven dried at 45oC temperature and pulverized to obtain dry powder. An extract of each plant materials was individually prepared with sterile water using pestle and mortar (1:2 w/v). Then it was passed through a double layered cheese cloth. Finally, the extracts were considered as standard plant extracts or crude extract and used for antifungal activity.
Seed treatment with plant extract: Naturally F. moniliforme infected seeds were soaked in different plant extract for over night. Then the plant extract was drained out and the freshly treated seeds were dried on blotter paper.
Detection of Fusarium moniliforme on seeds treated with plant extract: The treated samples were tested by blotter method for detecting F. moniliforme following International Rules for Testing Seeds (ISTA, 2004). Seeds were examined under stereobinocular microscope in order to record the incidence of Fusarium moniliforme that grow out of the seeds.
Seed Treatment with hot water: Naturally F. moniliforme infected seeds were presoaked for five hours in sterile distilled water, then placed in cheesecloth bags and immerse in water bath maintained at 50o, 53o 55o, 58o and 60oC for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 minutes. Bags containing the seeds after exposure to the desired temperature were placed in ice cold water for three minutes, blotted dry in filter paper and dried at 35oC for one hour.
Detection of Fusarium moniliforme on seeds treated with hot water: The treated seeds were plated in replicates of 25 seeds per 9 cm diameter plastic petridish following the method describe above. For each temperature level and period of exposure four replications were made. All plates were observed under stereomicroscope after 9 days and recorded the incidence of F. moniliforme and germination of seeds.
Eco-friendly Agril Journal 5(7):69-73