Md. Kamrul Hasan
Senior Scientific Officer
Spices Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Shibganj, Bogura, Bangladesh
K.M. Khalequzzaman
Principal Scientific Officer (Plant Pathology)
Spices Research Centre (SRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Shibganj, Bogura, Bangladesh
Onion, economic impact, adoption, yield advantage, Benefit and rate of return
Data were collected from different sources like published and unpublished reports, and informal scientist’s interview. The area, production, and yield of BDMVs (BARI Developed Modern Varieties) of scientist’s interview; and harvest price and consumer price index (CPI) were collected from various issues of Statistical Yearbooks (1988-2009) published by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.
Socio-economic and Policy
Nippon Journal of Environmental Science, 1(8): 1020 (1-12)