Akm Quamruzzaman
Horticulture Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Garizpur-1701, Bangladesh
M. Nazim Uddin
Horticulture Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Garizpur-1701, Bangladesh
Ferdouse Islam
Horticulture Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Garizpur-1701, Bangladesh
Vegetables, Eggplant, Begun, Bacterial, Brinjal, Disease, Fertilizer
Horticulture Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Garizpur-1701, Bangladesh
Crop-Soil-Water Management
The experiment was conducted at the experimental farm of Joydebpur during the summer of 2017. The experimental field was at 23.9917º N Latitude and 90.4124º E Longitudes having an elevation of 8.2 m from sea level. Thirteen eggplant lines/ varieties viz., SM232, SM236C, SM236A, SM267, SM275, SM286A, SM288, SM289, SM313, SM323, SM328, SM335, BARI Begun-10included in the study. The seeds were sown on the seedbed on 15 March 2017. Thirty-two days old seedlings were transplanted in the main field on 16 April, 2017. The experiment was laid out in a RCB design with three replications. The unit plot size was 7.5 x 0.70 m and 10 plants were accommodated in a plot with a plant spacing of 75 cm apart in a single row maintaining a row to row distance of 1 m with 50 cm drain. The land was fertilized with cowdung, N, P, K, S, Zn and B @ 10,000 100, 30, 75, 13, 1.5 and 0.8 kg/ha, respectively. One-third of the cow-dung and half of P and full of S, Zn and B were applied during final land preparation. Rest of cow-dung and P and 1/3 of K were applied as basal in pit. The entire amount of N and the rest of K were applied in four equal installments starting from 20 days after transplanting. Rest three installments were applied at the vegetative, flowering and initial fruiting stage. Irrigation, weeding, crop protection measures and other intercultural operations were done following standard practice. Data on days to 1st harvest, marketable fruit number/ plant, average fruit weight (g), fruit weight/ plant (kg), fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm), plant height at 1st harvest (cm), plant height at last harvest (cm), fruit infection by BFSB (%), bacterial wilt infestation (%), little leaf infestation (%), phomopsis blight infestation (%), fruit yield (t/ha), fruit shape and fruit colour were recorded from five randomly selected plants per entry per replication. The information on different characters was statistically analyzed.
Annual Research Report 2017-2018, Horticulture Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Garizpur-1701, Bangladesh