Socio-economic, Utility services, Health status, Slum
Study area: Kalyanpur slum (pora basti) was selected as study area which is situated at Kalyanpur mahalla under Kalyanpur ward of Mirpur thana in Dhaka district. The Kalyanpur slum (pora basti) is located within latitude of 23°47?05?N and longitude of 90°21?49?E. Mirpur thana is situated in zone no. 4 under Dhaka North City Corporation, Dhaka district. There are eight wards and 57 mahallas in this thana. Among eight wards, Kalyanpur ward is situated in word no.11. This ward is divided into four mahallas. They are Dakshin Paikpara, Madya Paikpara, Paikpara and Kalyanpur mahalla (BBS 2011). The total population of Kalyanpur mahalla is 42,801, while male population is 55.79%, and female population is 44.21%. The total household and population of Kalyanpur slum (pora basti) is 2,184 and 8,129 (male 4,126, female 3,998 and others 5), respectively (BBS 2015). Both qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection were used for this study. The research was carried out on the basis of primary and secondary data. The questionnaire survey was carried out through randomly selected 68 respondents (36 male and 32 female) of slum dwellers to collect primary data. Simple random sampling technique was used for selecting sample size. Sample size was determined using the approach as follows: (i) the desired precision/error, (e) is 10%, (ii) the desired confidence level, (z) is 90%, (iii) determine the z value associated with the confidence level, (iv) the value of z at 90% confidence level is 1.645, (v) In the absence of the target proportion (p) we assumed it to be 50% i.e. p = 0.50 and (vi) total population, N = 8,129. On the basis of the above, sample size (n) = z2 .p.q.N/ e2 (N – 1) + z2 .p.q, [Source: Kothari 1990] = 68
So, the calculated sample size for the study area was 68.
Key informant interview was also conducted with different government and non-government organization (NGOs) authorities in order to know their view about the situation and sustainable solution of the problems. A lot of photographs were collected directly from the field survey. The secondary data were collected from government and non-government official documents and statistics, yearly reports, various books, research papers, journals, maps, daily newspapers etc. Collected data were processed and analyzed by computer-based statistical software package SPSS 14.00 for windows seven and Microsoft office Excel 2007 and qualitative descriptive explanation. Finally, the analyzed data were integrated and presented as tables, graphs and pie diagrams and put in the paper.