2.1. Collection of Jute Seed Samples: A total of 32 seed samples (TLS) of Tossa jute (Corchorus olitorious) were collected from four different districts of Bangladesh (Manikgonj, Rangpur, Cumilla, Kishoregonj).
Used Varieties:
- V1= O-4
- V2= O-9897
- V4= BJRI TOSSA PAT 4 (O-72)
- V5= BJRI TOSSA PAT 5 (O-795)
- V6= BJRI TOSSA PAT 6 (O-3820)
- V7= JRO-524
- V8= BJRI TOSSA PAT 8 (Robi -1)
2.2. Identification of Seed-Borne Fungi Associated with Jute Seeds: All the tossa jute seed samples were tested for the incidence of fungal pathogens imitates by the Blotter Method following the International Rules for Seed Testing Association (ISTA, 2017).
2.3. Blotter Method for Evaluating Seed Health Status of Jute Seed: The status of Seed health was explored by the Blotter method to identify the seed borne fungal pathogens associated with the seed samples. In this way, from each sample one hundred seeds were randomly taken. In plastic petridishes the seeds were planted on three-layered water-soaked Whatman No. 1 filter paper. 25 jute seeds were plated maintaining equal distance in each Petridis. All petridishes were incubated at 200C ± 20C under 12 hrs, the alternate cycle of Near Ultra Violet (NUV) light and darkness (Kuri and Mondal, 2011). After 7 days of incubation, petridishes containing incubated seeds were observed under a stereomicroscope for identifying seed-borne fungal pathogens on Tossa jute seeds’ surface under a stereomicroscope at 25× magnification. Where identification or detection of pathogens was doubtful or difficult under the stereomicroscope, the temporary slide was prepared and examined under the compound microscope and identified with the help of expert consultation and literature review. The seed-borne fungi were recorded after seven days of incubation. The results showed the number of fungi present in 25 seeds.
2.4. Identification of seed-borne fungi: After 7 days of incubation of tossa jute seeds on wet blotting paper the yielded fungi were detected and identified. The fungi yielded were Macmphomina phaseolina, Botryodiplodia theobromae, Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillum spp., Curvularia spp., Chaetomium spp., Alternaria spp. A wide range of fungi is observed on the seeds. Among them, only the major ones were taken into account in this experiment. Identification of isolated fungi was made on the basis of culture character, sporulation and conidial characters (Ahmed and Reddy 1993).
2.4.1 Abbrebiation
TLS = Truthfully labelled seeds
BJRI = Bangladesh jute Research Institute
MP = Macrophomina phaseolina
BT = Botryodiplodia theobromae
Asp = Aspergillus spp.
Fus = Fusarium spp.
Pen = Penicillium spp.
Car = Carvularia spp.
Alt = Alternaria spp.
Cha = Chaetomium spp.
LSD = Least Significant Differences
SE = Standard error
2.5. Analysis of Data: Analysis of variance was done and the mean differences in the efficacy of the treatments were judged by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).