Md. Abdul Mannan
Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Md. Sohanur Rahman
Scientific Officer
Department of Entomology, Pest Management Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Nutrient content, Nutrient uptake, Banana leaves, Potassium fertilizer, Grain, Straw, BRRI dhan49.
Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Variety and Species
Fertilizer and manures
2.1 Experimental site and soil: The experiment was run at the Soil Science Field laboratory of Bangladesh Agricultural University. The soil goes to the AEZ 9 (Old Brahrnaputra Floodplain).
2.2 Climate: Monthly record of air temperature, rainfall, relative humidity and sunshine hours of BAU Soil Science farm during the whole experimental period (August -December, 2014).
2.3 Land preparation: The land was organized as to prerequisite of BRRI dhan49 farming.
2.4 Rice crop (BRRI dhan49): BRRI dhan49 was taken as a test crop in this experiment. The regular grain yield of the variety usually lies between 5 to 5.5 t ha-1. This variety is somewhat resilient to pests and diseases particularly stem rot, sheath blight and leaf blight. The seedlings were collected from Soil Science Farm, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
2.5 Layout of the experiment: The experiment was placed in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications.
2.6 Treatments: There were 8 treatments out of which one was fully recommended dose of fertilizers. The treatment groupings used for the experiment were as follows:
1. T1 = Control (No fertilizer)
2. T2 = 100% Recommended Fertilizer Dose
3. T3 = 50% K from banana leaves + 50% K from MoP
4. T4 = 60% K from banana leaves + 40% K from MoP
5. T5 = 70% K from banana leaves + 30% K from MoP
6. T6 = 80% K from banana leaves+ 20% K from MoP
7. T7 = 90% K from banana leaves +10% K from MoP
8. T8= 100% K from banana leaves
2.7 Manures and Fertilizer application: Air-dried Banana leaves were united @ 30 kg ha-1 (equivalent 50% K), 36 kg ha-1 (equivalent 60% K), 42 kg ha-1 (equivalent 70% K) 48 kg ha-1 (equivalent 80% K), 54 kg ha-1 90% K) 60 kg ha-1 as per treatments at 15 days before transplanting of the rice seedlings. The banana leaves were mixed thoroughly with the soil. Suggested nitrogen @ 100 kg ha-1 from urea was applied in three equal split as per treatment. The first dose of urea was applied at 15 days after transplanting. The remaining doses of urea were top dressed at 32 days (active tillering stage) and 56 days (panicle initiation stage) after transplanting. P, K and S were applied @ 20, 60, and 12 kg ha-1 from triple superphosphate, muriate of potash, and gypsum individually in all the plots except control as basal dose. The amount of N, P and K content in banana leaves also abridged from the endorsed N, P and K fertilizer dose applied to the soil.
2.8 Transplanting of rice seedlings: The seedling of BRRI dhan49 was transplanted on 23rd August, 2014 upholding plant spacing of 20cmx20cm. Three healthy seedlings were relocated in each hill.
2.9 Intercultural operations: Intercultural processes like irrigation, weeding, insect and pest control were done for ensuring and maintaining the normal growth of the crop.
2.10 Harvesting: The crop was reaped at full maturity on December 7, 2014. The harvested crop of each plot was hustled distinctly and transported to the threshing floor. Grain and straw yields were noted plot-wise and voiced as t ha-1 on 14% moisture basis.
2.11 Assortment and groundwork of plant samples: Grain and straw yields were recorded plot-wise and articulated as sundry basis. Grain and straw samples were retained for chemical analysis.
2.12 Chemical analysis of grain and straw samples: 2.12.1 Preparation of sample-The illustrative grain and straw samples were dehydrated in an oven at 65°C for about 24 hours before they were crushed by a grinding machine. The prepared sample was then stored in paper bags and lastly they were reserved into a desiccators until analysis.
2.12.2 Digestion of plant samples for K determination-Plant samples of 0.5g (grain and straw separately) were transported into 100 ml digestion vessel. Ten mL of diacid combination (HNO3: HClO4= 2:1) were added into the vessel. After leaving for a while the flasks were heated at atemperature slowly raised to 20°C. Heating was stopped when the dense white fume of HClO4 happened. After cooling, the contents were booked into a 50 ml volumetric flask and the volume was completed with distilled water. The digests were used for the calculation of K.
2.13 Determination of K from plant samples: 5 mL of digest samples for grain and 2 mL for the straw were taken and thinned to 50 ml volume to make the wanted concentration. The K was determined from the extract by using flame photometer
2.14 Statistical analysis: The collected data were scrutinized statistically by F-test was done to observe the treatment effects and Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was done for the mean variances (Gomez and Gomez, 1984).
Acta Scientifica Malaysia (ASM) 5(1) (2021) 05-09