Plant Pathology Division, BARI, Gazipur
Imported vegetable seed, Exotic Fruits, Disease, Identification
The experiment was done in Plant Pathology Laboratory, BARI, Gazipur
Pest Management
Collection of imported seeds and examination of seed health status
Imported seeds of five different vegetables (cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, okra and cucumber) were collected from Siddik bazar, Dhaka. Each vegetable was collected as two samples. One seed sample of cauliflower imported from Thailand and the other from Japan. Cabbage seed samples were imported from Thailand and Korea. Broccoli seed samples were imported from India and Korea. One seed sample of okra imported from Thailand and the other from India. Both two seed samples of cucumber were imported from Thailand by two different agencies. After collection, all the seed samples were bought into the Plant Pathology Laboratory, BARI, Gazipur. For the detection of seed-borne fungi, the blotter incubation method (ISTA, 2001) was followed. Two hundred seeds from each sample were tested on moist blotter paper @ 25 seeds per plate and incubated for seven days at 240C at 12 h alternate light and darkness. Seeds were then examined for fungal growth under a stereomicroscope. Pathogens were identified by their morphological characters like color and structure of mycelium, types of spores and fruiting bodies using a compound microscope. The prevalence of pathogens was recorded from the infected seeds of the samples. Germination percentage was also recorded. The fungi were identified to species level, wherever possible, following the keys of Ellis (1971), Chidambaram et al. (1973), Mathur and Kongsdal (2003).
Collection of infected exotic fruits and identification of associate pathogen(s)
Popular exotic fruits apple and dragon fruit were selected for this study this year. Disease infected apple samples were collected from three distinct markets. Apple First samples were collected from street apple seller, Joydebpur, Gazipur; second samples were collected from the general fruit shop, Uttara, Dhaka and third samples were collected from One-stop super shop, Uttara, Dhaka. On the other hand, disease infected dragon fruit samples were collected from Shwapno super shop, Uttara, Dhaka. Shwapno imported this dragon fruit from Thailand. After collection disease fruit samples were brought in to the Plant Pathology Laboratory, BARI, Gazipur for disease identification and isolation of the causal organism. Pieces of the diseased tissues of collected fruits were sterilized by 10% chlorox for 2-3 minutes, followed by several rinses with sterile distilled water, and placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA) in Petri plates at 25±1oC for 5-12 days. After incubation, the appearance of the colonies and the vegetative and reproductive structures of fungi were examined under stereo and compound microscope. Pathogenicity test of apple was conducted on symptomless, detached fruits whereas fresh, detached stem was used for pathogenicity test of dragon fruit followed by the standard method
Annual Research Report 2017-18, Plant Pathology Division, BARI, Gazipur