The experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station (ARS), BARI, Benarpota, Satkhira during the rabi season of 2019-2020 to evaluate the best tillage practice for wheat in the saline area and observed the effects of permanent soil cover on wheat. The crop variety was BARI Gom-25. There were six treatment combinations considering three replications. The treatment T1 was Farmer's practice in where land was prepared by Power Tiller (2-Wheel Tractor) at optimum “Zoe” (appropriate moisture level) condition. T2 was a relay of wheat with previous crop residue. In relay cropping treatment (i.e., T2), the wheat seeds were broadcasted carefully in line at the standing rice field before ten days of harvesting and after rice harvesting, almost 25cm of rice straw was kept in the wheat field. The treatment T3 was a relay of wheat without residue. In the case of T3, all methods were followed as same as T2 but after rice harvesting, no more rice straw was kept in the wheat field. The treatment T4 was the strip-tillage of wheat with residue. The treatment T5 was strip-tillage of wheat without residue and the final treatment of T6 was PTOS of wheat in where land was prepared by Power tiller operated seeder (PTOS) along with seeding. PTOS performs three functions i.e., ploughing, seeding in rows and laddering simultaneously. Power tiller-operated seeder (PTOS) has 48 numbers of rotating blades for pulverizing soil at shallow depth with very high-speed rotating blades. The seeding part attached with the power tiller replacing the rotavator part of the power tiller. In the strip-till system, rotating blades were reduced to 24 numbers. Only four blades in the face to face configuration remain in the gang at the front position of seed furrow opener for tilling in strip 4-6 cm and creating tilt soil just in front of furrow openers and between the two furrow openers, the soil remained untilled. The English J-type blades of the seeder were rotating at the speed of 450 rpm. Concurrently, the seed and fertilizer placement was done in a single operation. The soil belonged to the AEZ-11 and AEZ-13. The land topography was medium-low. The soil of the experimental field was clay loam in texture with pH 6.8. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Seeds were sown in T2, T3 on 18 November 2019& T1, T4, T5, T6 on 30 November 2019 at ARS, Benarpota, Satkhira. Unit plot size was 4m X 4m. Soil salinity at different dates was recorded at 09:00-10:30 a.m. every 15 days interval, starting from sowing until harvest. The salinity was measured by EC meter (HANNA: HI 9835). Data were taken in the middle of the plot. Collected data were analyzed using ANOVA procedure. The experimental plot of T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 were fertilized with Urea (220 kg/ha), TSP (180 kg/ha), MoP (50 kg/ha), Gypsum 120 kg/ha and Cowdung (10 t/ha). The Urea was applied in two equal splits at 21 and 51 days after sowing (DAS) after matching with critical growth stages. All required fertilizers except urea were applied at the end of the final land preparation and incorporated into the soil. Two irrigation were applied during the crop growing period. All the intercultural operations were done as and when necessary. Diseases and insect pests were always well controlled using suggested applies (BARI, 2014). In the case of farmer’s practice, TSP, MoP, Gypsum were applied @130, 80 and 90 kg/ha respectively as a basal dose during the final land preparation. Urea was applied in 3 equal splits at 21, 39 and 53 DAS after irrigation. The wheat was harvested in the first week of March in all treatments. Data on yield and yield contributing characters were recorded and analyzed statistically using MSTAT-C program. After following the standard methods, soil samples were analyzed for pH, OM, N, P, K, S, Zn, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg and Na. Soil pH was measured using a glass electrode pH meter (WTW pH 5.22) at a soil-water ratio of 1:2.5 as described by Ghosh et. al., Soil organic C was measured by Wakeley and Black’s wet oxidation method as described by Jackson et. al, and total N was measured by micro-Kjeldahl method; available P was determined following the Bray and Kurtz method, exchangeable K was determined using NH4OAC extraction method, S was determined by the turbid metric method with the help of a spectrophotometer using a wavelength of 420 nm, Ca was determined by the complex metric method of titration using Na2-TA as a complexing agent, Mg was determined by using NH4OAC extraction method, available Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn were determined by using diethylenediamine Penta acetic acid (DTPA) extraction method, B was determined by spectrophotometry method and Na was determined by flame photometry method. Particle size distribution was done by hydrometer method and the textural class was determined using the USDA textural triangle. Bulk density and particle density of the soil samples were determined by the core sampler method and Pycnometer method, respectively. The soil porosity was computed from the relationship between bulk density and particle density using an equation.