M. N. Islam
Plant Pathology Division, BARI, Gazipur
Survey, Disease, Banana
Pest Management
Diseases, Banana
Survey and identification of the incidence and severity of panama and sigatoka diseases in Bangladesh
A comprehensive survey was made in order to find out the real causes and extent of damage in the selected major banana-growing areas of the project. In each location at least 5 banana gardens were selected and in each garden, at least 20 plants were randomly selected for observation and data collection. Farmer’s were interviewed to know the detailed information about disease and production of banana using a questionnaire. The activity will be continued 2nd year also.
Determination of disease incidence and disease severity
For calculation of disease incidence, every plant was counted in the field and also counted the infected plants and then expressed in percentage. The disease incidence of banana plants was determined by the following formula (Rai and Mamatha, 2005):
Number of diseased plants
Percent plant infection = --------------------------------------- ×100
Number of total plants observed
Percent disease incidence (PDI) of foliar diseases was determined by the following formula (Rai and Mamatha, 2005):
Number of diseased leaves on each plant
Percent disease incidence (leaves) = --------------------------------------------------×100
Number of total leaves on each plant
Percent Disease Severity (PDS) was determined by the following formula (Rai and Mamatha, 2005):
Area of leaf tissue infected by the disease
Percent disease severity (leaves) = -------------------------------------------------×100
Total leaf area of the plant
Annual Research Report 2015-16, Plant Pathology Division, BARI, Gazipur