Dr. Gias Uddin Ahmed
Department of Aquaculture, BAU, Mymensingh-2202.
The present study was conducted in farmer ponds at field level and experimental ponds at BAU to find out the impact of aqua drugs and chemicals on health and production of fish. In aqua drug shop of investigated areas, 50 different kinds of aqua drugs and chemicals were recorded. Among those, 15 kinds are widely used by the farmers such as Renamycin, Amoxifish, Ossi-C, Timsen, Aquamysine, Aquamycine, Virex, Aquakleen, Geolite gold, Oxy Dox F, Polgard plus, charger gel, Seaweed, Bactisal and Deletix. Production of Thai Pangus (81001 kg/acre in chemical treated ponds whereas 4800 kg/acre in non-treated ponds) and Thai koi (14000 kg/acre in chemical treated ponds whereas 10000 kg/acre in non treated ponds) in Gouripur and Muktagacha Upazillas, respectively, were almost double in the chemical treated ponds compared with non treated ponds. In experimental ponds, it was found that food conversion ratio ( FCR) was 1.27 and 1.13 in the treatment I and treatment II in c ase of Pangus. However, in case of Thai koi, FCR in the T1 was significantly reduced that of TII. Production of Pangus in the non treated ponds was higher which was 7328.16 kg per acre than in the treated ponds, where it was 6400.08 kg per acre. Whereas, production of koi in the treated ponds was higher (1471.92 kg/acre) than that of non-treated ponds (1296.00 kg/acre). In upazillas like Fulpur, Muktagacha and Fulbaria EUS, dropsy, Edwardsiellosis diseases were recorded with pangus and tilapia. Shing had 90-100% mortalities within very short period from unknown diseases with no obvious symptoms (except swollen abdomen and spots) provided 30-100% recovery after application of drugs. In EUS affected tilapia in Fulpur (20%) and Muktagacha (30%) and farmers used Renamycin, Polgard plus and Ossi-C with a result 80-95% recovery. In Edwardsiellosis affected pangus in Fulpur (80%) and Fulbaria (50%), farmers used Renamycin, Timsen, Polgard pous and Ossi-C in Fulpur and Geolite and Ossi-C against dropsy in Fulpur with a result of 95% recovery. Zoothamnium and various s;pots on skin, scale loss in koi, where farmers used Renamycin, Aquamycine, Ossi-C and Polgard plus drugs as treatments and achieved 70-80% recovery. It was thus observed that aqua drugs played excellent role in recovery of fish diseases and maintenance of health. Clinically all the fishes of various regions did not show any remarkable changes. Histopathology in the control ponds, skin-muscle, liver, kidney nad gill of fish had almost normal structure. However, in the chemical treated ponds, the above mentioned investigated organs of fishes had remarkable pathological changes like necrosis, hemorrhage, vacuum, melanocytes and partial loss of organs.
Fishes, Fish production, Aqua drugs, Chemicals on fish health
Department of Aquaculture, BAU, Myemnsingh-2202
Animal Health and Management
Bangladesh Agricultural University Research Progress, Volume-22, 2011. Proceedings of the workshop of BAU Research Progress, 02-03 April 2012.