Experimental site and weather A pot experiment was conducted during November 2018 to April 2019 at the experimental field of agronomy, Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh (240 89'N, 910 88'E). The area covers the northeastern part of the country and belong to Agro-Ecological Zone-20 named Eastern SurmaKushiyara Floodplain and is characterized by a sub-tropical climate. Soil type belongs to Non-calcareous Grey Floodplain soils. Organic matter content of the soil is moderate, soil pH ranges from strongly acidic to neutral, levels of CEC and Zn are medium while the status of P, K and B is low (BARC, 2018). During the experimental period, the average maximum and minimum temperature of the area ranges from 27.9 to 32.4°C and from 13.8 to 21.4°C, respectively. The amount of rainfall was very low from November to January and then gradually increased to 326 mm in April. Relative humidity varied between 55 and 71% throughout study period and was the highest in November (71%). Treatments and experimental design: Four sugar beet genotypes viz., HI-0044 (G1), HI-0473 (G2), KWS-Allanya (G3), and KWS-Serendara (G4) were used in the experiment and were collected from BSRI, Bangladesh. To manage soil acidity and nutrients, five types of soil amendments viz., without lime and fertilizers (T1), lime @ 1 t ha-1 CaCO3 + inorganic fertilizer of recommended dose (RD) (T2), lime @ 1 t ha-1 CaCO3 + compost @ 10 t ha-1 , lime @ 2 t ha-1 CaCO3 + inorganic fertilizer of RD (T4), lime @ 2 t ha-1 CaCO3 + compost @ 10 t ha-1 were applied in this experiment. The RD of inorganic fertilizer for this region were 120-30-100-12-3.5-1.2 kg ha-1 for N-P-K-S-Zn-B, respectively (BARC, 2018). The experiment was laid out following Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 replications. Thus, the total number of pots were 100 and the individual pot size was 24 cm (diameter) × 32 cm (depth). Two third portion of the pots were filled with 8 kg of thoroughly mixed soil. After seed sowing, the pots were relocated once in every week throughout the experiment. Crop husbandry: The soil was sandy loam having fertility status low to medium with pH 4.9. To increase the soil pH, CaCO3 @ 1 t ha-1 and 2 t ha-1 was thoroughly mixed with soil about two weeks before seed sowing. Due to the addition of CaCO3 @ 1 t ha-1 and 2 t ha-1 the soil pH increased to 5.6 and 6.25, respectively. Fertilizers were applied as basal dose at final soil preparation. After liming soil was mixed thoroughly with compost (10 t ha-1). Urea, Tripple super phos-phate (TSP), Muriate of Potash (MoP), Gypsum, Zinc Sulphate, and Boric acid were used as inorganic fertilizer source and one third of Urea and whole amount of TSP, MoP, Gypsum, Zinc Sulphate and Boric acid were applied as basal dose. Data collection: The data were collected on different growth and yield contributing characters viz. number of leaves (no. per plant), leaf chlorophyll content (relative unit), shoot length (cm), shoot dry weight (g), beet length (cm), beet girth (cm), beet dry weight (g), total dry matter (g) and total soluble solid (TSS) in beet (%). Leaf chlorophyll content: Leaf chlorophyll content was determined using portable Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) meter (SPAD-502, Minolta Camera, Tokyo, Japan) at five different points of eight fully expanded leaves in between 10:00 am to 12.00 pm. Total number of leaves plant-1 Total number of leaves plant-1 were counted in every pot at 165 DAS. Shoot length (cm): Shoot (the petiole and leaf blade) length (cm) of every plant was measured from the base to the top of the leaf by a measuring scale. Beet root length (cm) and girth (cm): Beet root length (cm) and girth of every pot was measured by using a measuring scale and slide calipers. For beet root girth, three measurements were taken at the basal part, middle part and top part of the beet root and the average were recorded. Dry matter at harvest: Shoot of each plants were separated, sun dried for several days and then oven-dried at 70º C for 24 hours to determine the dry weight (g plant-1). Beet root of each plants was harvested, cleaned, cut into small pieces and sun dried for several days. After that, oven-dried to till constant weight at 70º C to determine the dry weight of beet root (g plant-1). Total dry matter (g plant-1) was computed by adding sugar beet shoot and root dry weight. Statistical Analysis: Variation among the genotypes and fertilizer treatments were analyzed through two-way ANOVA. In case of significant effect, means were separated through post hoc test (using LSD value). Values were reported as significant at p-values <0.05. All the analysis was performed in R (R Core Team, 2014).