The study was undertaken aiming to characterize the morphological features of Barind sheep of Bangladesh in an attempt to give an important tool for intensive research to develop a management and breeding strategy that suits the production system of the area. Data were collected to study the morphological features of sheep of two Barind based upazillas; Paba and Godagari under Rajshahi district of Bangladesh through close observation, measuring and record keeping. Characteristics of body weight, wither height, rump height, body length, sternum height, Chest girth, bi-coastal diameter, ear length, rump width, head width, rump length, head length, heart girth, cannon bone circumference and muzzle diameter were collected from 508 (458 female and 50 male) sheep stratified into age categories of <1year, 1-1.5 year, 1.5-2 years, 2-2.5 years and >2.5 years by dentition. The average body weight of sheep was 18.03±1.91 kg irrespective of sexes and was significantly (p<.01) higher in male. The body weight of sheep was increased gradually with the advancement of age. The wither height (cm), rump height (cm), body length (cm), sternum height (cm), Chest girth (cm), bi-coastal diameter (cm), ear length (cm), rump width (cm), head width (cm), rump length (cm), head length (cm), heart girth (cm), cannon bone circumference (cm) and muzzle diameter (cm) were 52.75±2.56, 52.70±2.90, 55.61±3.04, 26.89±2.28, 61.65±3.38, 11.27±.88, 7.28±3.17, 13.57±1.03, 11.44±.85, 11.40±1.32, 19.02±1.47, 70.15±6.79, 8.56±.77, 20.04±1.52 respectively. The wither height, sternum height, body depth, bi-coastal diameter, head width, head length, cannon bone circumference and muzzle diameter were significantly differed (p<0.001) between male and female and value of all mentioned characters were higher in male. The results indicated that the rump height, body length, bi-coastal diameter, head width, rump length, head length and muzzle diameter have non-significantly differed among different age categories but all of these were higher at aged sheep. Heart girth was differed significantly (p<.01) among ages and highest in full permanent teethed sheep. Cannon bone circumference differed significantly (p<0.05) among different ages and also highest at aged sheep. Though Heart girth did not differ significantly between sexes, it was higher in female probably for their pregnancy.