3.2. Basis for selection of study place ? Well communicated. ? Assurance from the authority for full co-operation. ? Not so far from the Tangail city.
The study was conducted from July 2012 to December 2012. During this period standard questionnaire development, data entry & analysis and final report writing were completed.
A standard questionnaire was developed to collect required data on the 98 households. The questionnaire included the biographic, socioeconomic, hygienic, food access and dietary diversity information. It captured data on specific variables, including age, gender, religion, height, weight, BMI, marital status, having children, number of children, family member, educational background, occupation, earning person, total income, total expenditure, total saving, house quality, lighting system in the house, kitchen room, cooking fuel, cooking water, separate bathroom, using shoes at all time or at toilet or dirty place, washing hand, cutting nail, taking bath, area of the land, agricultural land, vegetables production, fruits production, having livestock animal, having pond, cultivation of fish in the pond, place of buying food, times of buying food, taking of meals by adults and children per day. The biographic information gathered, was important to understanding the backgrounds of the respondents. For household dietary diversity we used 24 hour recall method.
A pilot study to test and evaluate the ease of content, wording and expression, the topical sequence of questions and duration of interview and the reliability, suitability, clarity and value of the measuring instruments, was conducted among 10 households of Pirgacha village of Modhupur in Tangail district two weeks prior to the actual field work.. After pretest, the individual questionnaire which were related for quantitative data collection were improved and reformed to ensure content coverage, the reliability and validity of the study.
Data collection Questionnaire was asked passively and cautiously not to influence the respondents.
3.7.4. Food production information In order to estimate the food production information questionnaire was filled by asking the respondents about agricultural land, vegetables production, fruits production, having livestock animals, having pond and cultivation of fish in the pond. 3.7.5. Food purchasing information For food purchasing information questionnaire was filled by asking the respondents about place of buying foods, times of buying foods etc. 3.7.6. Collection of dietary information For evaluating dietary diversity 24 hour recall method was used. Along with this dietary information other information say- how frequently they intake the foods, commonly eating food, eating of snacks, times of eating snack, snack types, eating of foods outside home, lunch box for won and husband when going to work, lunch box for children when going to school also collected.
Data verification Questionnaires were checked each day after interviewing and again these were carefully checked after completion of all data collection and coded before entering into the computer. The data was edited if there was any discrepancy (doubt entry, wrong entry etc). 3.9. Statistical analysis All of the statistical analysis and all other data processing were done by using SPSS 16.0 windows program. For tabular, charts and graphical representation, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel were used.