The characterized (874) and regenerated (260) germplasm of different crops from 2014-15 were tested in the seed processing laboratory. The germplasm of hyacinth bean, grasspea, chickpea, mung bean, chilli, amaranth, horse gram, snake gourd, foxtail millet, yard long bean, tomato, sesame, brinjal, cauliflower, chinese cabbage, black cumin, fennel, mallow, cowpea, barley, prosomillet, finger millet, alim shak, field pea, lentil, linseed, black gram, celery, radish, muskmelon, bottle gourd, sponge gourd, and cucumber were recorded for seed weight and germination. The samples were put into germination paper for viability test. The number of normal seedlings and dead seeds were counted and viability (%) was calculated. The germplasm of the crops will be regenerated in the next year whose germination was less than 70% and less seed weight.
Registered germplasm: Only new arrivals of germplasm are registered. If the seed samples are in good condition, each sample is being assigned a registration number according to the source of acquisition and passport information. Registered germplasm is also known as the original sample.
Regenerated germplasm: These types of germplasm have been obtained from the regeneration of the original sample. If the regenerated germplasm is being more than 80% viability and sufficient quantity of seed, an accession number is assigned and maintained as accessioned germplasm. If the regenerated germplasm is being viability less than <70% or insufficient quantity of seed or both are maintained as regenerated germplasm.
Accessioned germplasm: These types of germplasm have been also obtained from the regeneration of the original sample. Normally, the seed sample size of 7,000 for self-pollinated and 17,000 for cross-pollinated crops along with 70% and above viability is the major prerequisite for getting an accession number. 'BD' letter has been used to the accessioned number only that comes from the PGRC, BARI, Gazipur, Bangladesh. A total of 10157 accessions of 82 crops are maintained in the gene bank. All registered and regenerated germplasm are maintained in active collection. After regeneration and accessioning, the original samples are maintained in base collection for future use and regeneration. However, the regenerated and characterized germplasm are maintained in both active and base collection. Usually, characterization and seed distribution are done from the active collection. The base collection acts as a backup collection for the future generations. Normally, the seeds from the base collection are not used frequently. It could be used in a very special situation and purpose.