Zubayer Abdul Bari*
Department of Leather Engineering , Institute of Leather Engineering & Technology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md Amzad Hossain
Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Mohiuddin Alamgir
Department of Leather Engineering, Institute of Leather Engineering & Technology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mir Mohi Uddin Maruf
Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Blood, Blood Meal, Environmental Pollution, Isolation of Blood Protein, Micro-Organism,
Department of Leather Engineering , Institute of Leather Engineering & Technology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka,
Animal Health and Management
2.1 Blood collection: Fresh blood was collected from a slaughter house simply immediate after the slaughtering. Care had taken, so that only clean blood be collected, where contamination with undigested food from the stomach can be prevented from grasping the esophagus firmly at the moment of slaughtering. To prevent clots of blood 0.2% citric acid was used as anticoagulant agent, that was diluted with 2 part water and must be kept in the container before blood was collected
2.2. Centrifugation Blood consists of 60% plasma and 40% cells in volume also contain urine, ammonia and other undesirable ingredient along with protein. To separate the blood cell from plasma, blood was centrifuged in the centrifugal machine at 3000 rev/min with the time 15 minutes. Then the blood cell was collected from plasma.
2.3. Drying: Drying was an inevitable operation to dwindle the moisture level. The separated blood cell was desiccated in a vacuum drier, where vacuum was created by the vacuum suction pump & regulated air pressure was adjusted 0.06 Mpa. Initially the sample was dried at 500C for 3hours then examined by moisture analyzer and 39.36% moisture was found. Then temperature of the drier was adjusted at 600C and dried for 1.5hours to get the resultant moisture. 2.4. Culture Preparation: Bacterial strains inside the blood were cultured in solid Nutrient Agar media. NA media composition was as following: 0.5% peptone, 0.3% beef extract, 1.5% agar, 0.5% NaCl. pH was adjusted to 6.8.
2.5. Irradiation: Irradiation was the most important step to remove pathogens that were grown in the blood meal. Electromagnetic gamma radiation, which was generated by the using of the Cobalt 60’s isotope and this electromagnetic radiation were performed as irradiation with different level of dozes 2.5 KGy, 5 KGy,7.5 KGy,10 KGy after packaging of the products and was involved any aseptic handling. The gamma radiation of cobalt 60 was produced from Institute of Food and Radiation Biology, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Saver, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2.6. Food ingredients analysis: 2.6.1. Protein Contains: Total protein contain in the blood meal was estimated by Kjeldhal method which is the internationally recognized method for estimating the protein content in foods. The estimation was done just immediate after radiation without any ambience contact. 2.6.2. Fat Contains: Percentage of fat was analyzed by Soxhlet apparatus official method of analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Method 960.39 and 948.22 18th editions AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Gaithersburg, MD (2005). 2.6.3. Ash Contains: Ash contain was determined by AOAC official method of ash in animal feed 942.05.
IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. Volume 8, Issue 2 Ver. I (Feb. 2015), PP 42-46 www.iosrjournals.org