S.A.K.U. Khan*
Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna
S. Munira
Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna
M.S. Sultana
Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna
Germination, Viability, Brinjal, Bottle Gourd, Red Amaranth, Infection.
BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute), Urban Market, Local Market and Farmers.
Seed Technology
Seeds of brinjal, bottle gourd, and red amaranth were collected from different sources viz. BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute), Urban Market, Local Market and Farmers. The study was conducted with two factors and three replications in Completely Randomized Design.
Parameters studied Thousand seed weight: The 1000-seed weight was determined by counting and weighing three replications of one hundred seed, calculating the average, and multiplying the average by 10 and weighed in gms. Percentage of purity: From the total sample of a specific vegetable, the seeds were separated according to pure seed, other seeds and inert matter and they were weighed (g) by an electric balance. Finally they were converted into percentage as follows: Purity = Weight of separated pure seed / Weight of working sample x 100
Percentage of viability: One half of the seed was discarded and the other half was placed in the 1% TZ solution. Then they were kept into oven for 3 hours at 40° C. After that the seeds were evaluated under magnifying lens. Completely stained seeds were viable seeds and completely unstained seeds were non viable seeds (Sen and Ghosh, 1999).
Percentage of germination: According to Agrawal (1999), only 25 seeds for red amaranth, 25 seeds for brinjal, and 12 seeds for bottle gourd were placed in each petridishes for germination test. The number of germinated seeds were counted from it's commence to the completion by every day at a certain time (at 10 am) and by eye observation. The data were recorded and converted into percentage according to the following equation:
Germination = Number of total germinated seed / Number of total seeds used for germination x 100
Vigor test: The speed of germination was considered for the determination of seedling vigor. An index of the seeds was determined on the basis of seed germination and it was calculated by the following formula (Agrawal, 1999).
Statistical Analysis: The collected data from the experiment were analyzed by using statistical package programme MSTAT-C to illustrate the statistical significance of the experimental results. The mean for all the treatments were calculated and the analysis of variance for all components was performed by F-variance test.
South Asian J. Agric. 2009.4 (1&2): 155-160 ISSN 1991-0037