IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur
IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur
Plant Physiology Division, BARI, Gazipur
IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur
OFRD, Barind, Rajshahi
OFRD, Barind, Rajshahi
Critical stages, Water stress, Chickpea
Crop-Soil-Water Management
Soil Moisture, Chickpea
The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur and at the farmer’s field of Godagari, Barind, Rajshahi during 2015-2016. The soil was silty clay loam with a field capacity,29% and a bulk density of 1.46 gm/cc at both locations. Recommended doses of fertilizers were applied @ P20K20S14Zn5B1 kg/ha and CD, 5 t/ha. Full doses of P, K, S, Zn, B and cowdung were applied at the time of final land preparation. The experiment was laid out in an RCBD design with four replications. The unit plot size was 7 m × 4 m. The treatments were selected based on irrigation application at different growth stages as stated below:
T1= Rainfed
T2= one irrigation (light irrigation of 1.0-1.5 cm) at post-sowing
T3= one irrigation (light irrigation of 2-3 cm) at pod development (80-85 DAS) stage
T4= Two irrigations given each at post-sowing and pod development (80-85 DAS) stages
Seeds were sown on 19 November 2015 at Gazipur and 27 October 2015 at Godagari, Barind, Rajshahi with spacings of 10 cm plant to plant and 40 cm line to line. Soil moisture at every 10 days interval was recorded. The measured amount of water was applied to each plot as per treatment to raise the soil moisture content in the root zone depth to field capacity. Ten plants from each plot were selected randomly for collecting growth data including root length, shoot length, canopy coverage, and biomass. Canopy coverage was calculated. To obtain biomass data, plant samples were collected from the field and oven-dried at 650C temperature until a constant weight was attained. Biomass data were collected five times at 47, 68, 78, 97, and 112 DAS. Undesirable plants were rouged out. After physiological maturity, pods were harvested from the plants and then dried. After 4-5 days, sun drying, seeds were separated from the pod and again dried for 2-3 days and preserved for future use. The crop was harvested on 10, 16, and 22 March 2016at Gazipur and 09 March 2016 at Rajshahi. After harvest, yield and yield contributing data were collected.
Estimation of irrigation water
Irrigation water was applied to bring the soil moisture content at the root zone to field capacity taking into account the effective root zone depth. Irrigation water was calculated.
Annual Research Report 2015-2016, irrigation and Water Management Division, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur