F. Ahmed
Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur
R.R. Saha
Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur
M.A. Jahan
Department of Soil Science, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207
M.S.A. Khan
Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur
Maize, Source, Sink, Grain, Fodder
Farm of Central Research Station of BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
Crop-Soil-Water Management
The experiment was conducted at the Farm of Central Research Station of BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur during the Rabi season of 2004-2005 and 2005-2006. The soil was slightly clay loam belonging to the Chhiata Series under AEZ-28. The soil of the experimental plot was slightly acidic (pH 6.20), having organic matter 0.99%, total nitrogen 0.062%, phosphorus 25 pg/ml, potassium 0.09 meq/100m1, available sulphur 12 pg/ml and zinc 7 pg/ml. The amount of rainfall received during cropping periods were 195.6 mm in 2004-05 and 8 mm in 2005-06. The mean monthly maximum temperatures were 28.8 and 29.2°C, and the mean minimum temperatures were 17.24 and 16.17 °C in 2004-05 and 2005-06, respectively. Six treatments were tested in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments were as follows:
T1 = No leaf (source) or cob/ear (sink) removal (control), T2 = Maintaining apical ear with sub-apical ear(s) removal, T3 = Maintaining apical ear with removal of sub-apical ear(s) and leaves below apical ear leaf, T4 = Removal of all leaves below ear leaf, T5 = Maintaining apical ear with sub-apical ear(s) removal and detopping (keeping two leaves above ear) T6 = Detopping (keeping two leaves above ear).
Source-sink manipulation i.e. detopping, leaf and ear removal was done at 10 .days after silking. The unit plot size was 6 m x 5 m. Pacific 11 was used as the test variety. Seeds were sown on November 22 and 28 in 2004 and 2005, respectively with a spacing of 75 cm x 25 cm. The experimental plot was prepared and leveled properly before sowing. Fertilizers at the rate of 250-120-120-40-5 kg/ha of N, P205, K20, S and Zn were applied in the form of urea, triple super phosphate (TSP), muriate of potash (MOP), Gypsum and Zinc sulphate, respectively. The full amount of TSP, MOP, Gypsum, Zinc sulphate and 1/3 rd urea were applied as basal during final land preparation. The remaining 2/3 rd urea was side dressed at 30 and 70 days after emergence. Weeding, irrigation, earthing up and insecticide spraying were done as and when necessary to maintain an optimum growth condition for the crop. At 10 days after silking, detopping (keeping two leaves above apical ear), leaf and ear removal was done as per treatment. Fresh fodder weight was recorded as per treatment imposition. The crop was harvested at maturity stage on April 21, 2005 and April 16, 2006. Data on yield components were collected from 10 randomly selected plants in each plot and yield was recorded plot-wise. The data were analyzed statistically and mean separation was done by DMRT.
J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 5(2): 177-180, 2007 ISSN 1810-3030