The research work was conducted during the Rabi season of November 2008 to March 2009 at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Farm, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, and Dhaka. It is located at 90.3350E longitude and 23.7740latitudes. The soil of the experimental field belongs to the Tejgaon series of AEZ No. 28, Madhupur Tract, and has been classified as Shallow Red Brown Terrace Soils in the Bangladesh soil classification system. A composite sample was made by collecting soil from several spots of the field at a depth of 0-15 cm before the initiation of the experiment. The collected soil was air-dried, ground, and passed through a 2 mm sieve, and analyzed for some important physical and chemical properties. The variety of bush beans used in the experiment was BARI Bush Bean-2. The seeds were collected from Horticulture Research Centre, Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur, Bangladesh. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications. The unit plot size was 2.4 m x 1.5 m (3.6 m2). The distance between the two plots was 50 cm and between blocks was 50 cm. The plots selected for the experiment were plowed on the 30th of November 2008 and cross-plowed several times to obtain a good tilth. The experiment consists of two factors viz. Nitrogen (N) and Potassium (K). Doses of nitrogen were 0, 40, 80, 120 kg/ha and doses of potassium were 0, 20, 40, and 60 kg/ha. Details of the treatments are are as follows:T0 = 0 kg N + 0 kg K ha-1 (control), T1 = 0 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1, T2 = 0 kg N + 40 kg K ha-1, T3 = 0 kg N + 60 kg K ha-1, T4 = 40 kg N + 0 kg K ha-1, T5 = 40 kg N + 20 kg K ha- 1, T6 = 40 kg N + 40 kg K ha-1, T7 = 40 kg N + 60 kg K ha-1, T8 = 80 kg N + 0 kg K ha-1, T9 = 80 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1, T10 = 80 kg N + 40 kg K ha-1, T11 = 80 kg N + 60 kg K ha-1, T12 = 120 kg N + 0 kg K ha-1, T13 = 120 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1, T14 = 120 kg N + 40 kg K ha-1 and T15 = 120 kg N+ 60 kg K ha-1. Nitrogen was applied as Urea and Potassium was supplied as Muriate of Potash. The manures and fertilizers like Cow dung (5000 kg/ha), TSP (200 kg/ha), Gypsum (60 kg/ha), and Boric acid (5 kg/ha) were applied. The entire quantity of Cow dung, Gypsum, and Boric acid was applied during the final land preparation. The full doses of TSP and half of Urea and MoP were applied at seed sowing time and the rest half MoP at 30 days after seed sowing. Seeds of BARI Bush Bean-2 were sown on 3 December 2008. The seeds were sown per hill at a depth of 5 cm and the seeds were covered with pulverized soil just after sowing and gently pressed with hands. Intercultural operations were done whenever required for getting better growth and development of the plants. Different yield contributing data have been recorded from the mean of five harvested plants which was selected at random of each unit plot of every harvesting stage. The plants in the outer rows and the extreme end of the middle rows were excluded from the random selection to avoid the border effect. The first harvest was done 55 days after sowing (DAS) and was weighted to estimate the fresh pod yield. Again the rest of the pods were harvested at a mature stage when the pods become yellow and fully dry. These seeds were collected from the pods and sun-dried seeds were weighted to estimate the seed yield. Data were collected on pod length, pod diameter, average single pod weight, total pod weight per plant, pod yield per plot, and pod yield per hectare. The initial and post-harvest soil samples were analyzed for both physical and chemical properties. To determine the different physical and chemical properties various methods and procedures are used like, the particle size of soil by [24], soil textural class was ascertained using USDA textural triangle, soil pH by [25], organic carbon by [26], organic matter by [27], total nitrogen by [28], available phosphorous by [29], exchangeable potassium by, available sulphur and available Zinc. The data obtained from the experiment were analyzed statistically using the MSTAT computer package program to find out the significance of the difference among the treatments. The mean values of all the treatments were calculated and analysis of variances for all the characters was performed by the ‘F’ (variance ratio) test. The significance of the differences among the pairs of treatment means was estimated by the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 1% and 5% level of probability [33] for the interpretation of results.