Eggs (clean and dirty) of duck and hen were collected from the wholesale markets in Sylhet town. The representative eggs for the study were collected aseptically using sterile instruments and transferred carefully to appropriate sterile containers and brought to the laboratory for subsequent studies to determine the bacteriological quality. Bacteriological analysis was performed under two major principles of assessments: Firstly, microbiological quality was evaluated, and then the determination of Total viable count (TVC), Total coliform count (TCC), and Total Salmonella Count (TSC) were performed by using Nutrient agar (NA), MacConkey agar (MCA) medium Nutrient broth (NB), MacConkey broth (MB), Peptone broth, Methyl-Red and Voges-Proskauer broth (MR-VP broth), Selenite broth (SB), Koser's Citrate medium, etc and assessed the microbiological quality of egg samples. The media used for bacteriological analysis were Nutrient agar (NA), Plate Count Agar (PCA), MacConkey agar (MA), Eosin-Methylene-blue agar (EMB), Salmonella-Salmonella agar (SSA), Brilliant Green Agar (BGA), Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB), etc. To find out microbial surface contamination of egg peel, six egg peels from each category were rinsed aseptically after the eggs were dipped in 200 milliliters of distilled water for five minutes. This constitutes the individual sample. One milliliter of this sample was transferred to nine milliliters of PBS solution to make 1:10 dilution. The surface plating method was carried out in accordance with the standard procedure of Harrigan and McCance. To determine the microbial contamination level of the egg peel surface, the procedure of sampling adopted by Collins and Patricia (1976) was followed. According to the technique, the contents of six eggs of each kind were aseptically obtained and blended at a low speed for a period of three minutes. One milliliter of this sample, which constituted the representative sample, was transferred to nine milliliters of PBS solution to make 1:10 dilution. The surface plating method was carried out in accordance with the standard procedure described by Harrigan and Mc Cance (1976). After collection, the samples of tigers and lions were grown in the recently prepared nutrient broth at 370C for 24 hours. Then overnight bacterial broths were streaked on SS agar, Brilliant Green Agar (BGA) (for Salmonella), EMB (for E. coli), Mannitol salt agar were incubated at 370C for 24 hours. Identification of bacteria was done on the basis of colony morphology, Gram’s staining technique, Motility Indole Urease (MIU) test, Carbohydrate fermentation test (e.g. dextrose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, and mannitol), Reaction of the organisms in TSI agar slant, Simmons citrate agar utilization test, indole test Voges-Proskauer test, Methyl Red (MR) test, oxidase, and catalase. The data on Total Viable Count (TVC), Total Coliform Count (TCC), and Total Salmonella Count (TSC) obtained from the bacteriological examination of egg samples of duck and hen eggs sold by wholesalers were analyzed, by employing factorial experiment in a completely randomized design (CRD) and using computer package SUS software (Freed, 1992). Using applicable Duncan's Multiple Range Test was employed, treated product differences. Correlation among TVC, TCC, and TSC was also evaluated.