The present research work was conducted at the Field Laboratory of Horticulture Farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period from October 2007 to May 2008. The experimental area is situated in the sub-tropical zone, characterized by heavy rainfall during the months of April to September and Scanty rainfall during October to March. Robi season is characterized by low temperature but plenty of sunshine. The soil of the experimental area was sandy loam type and belonged to the Old Brahmaputra Flood Plain Alluvial Tract. Sonata series, non-calcareous dark grey soil. The experimental site was medium high land and the pH of the soil was 6.7. The morphological Characters of the soil of the experimental plots as indicated by FAO. The carrot varieties used for the study were BA (Brasilia Agroflora), PA (Prima Agroflora), and NK. The seeds were collected from the laboratory of Allium Project, Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh which were imported from USA. The land which was selected to conduct the experiment was prepared by a number of deep ploughing and cross ploughing with the help of a tractor and power tiller followed by laddering for breaking up the soil clods, leveling and pulverizing the field for bringing a good tilth condition, which was necessary for proper plant growth and root development. All weeds and stubbles were removed from the field. The manure and fertilizer doses (Cowdung 10 tons, Urea 100 kg, TSP105 kg, MP 175 kg) recommended by Rashid (1983) were applied. The total quantity of cowdung was applied during land preparation. Half of the recommended quantity of urea, the total quantity of TSP, and half of MP were applied as a top dressing after 30 days, and the remaining halves of urea and MP after 45 days of seed sowing. The seeds were soaked in water for 24 hours and the soaked seeds were sown uniformly in the finally prepared land at 30 cm apart in rows and covered with loose soil to help the quick germination of seed. Seed germination occurred within 7 days and excess plants were thinned twice at 15 and 30 days after seed sowing maintaining a spacing of 5 to 8 cm between the plants for proper growth and development of the remaining plants. The crop was irrigated twice by flood irrigation followed by mulching. When the plants were 75 days old and the roots were at the marketable stage (7.5 cm in length and 3.7 cm in diameter on average), the roots were uprooted, transplanted after pruning. Date of transplanting of sticking were done as P1 = 1st transplanting (05 January 2008), P2 = 2nd transplanting (15 January 2008), and P3 = 3rd transplanting (25 January 2008). The varieties were marked as V1 = Brasilia Agroflora (BA), V2 = Prima Agroflora (PA) and V3 = New Kuroda (NK). The land for sticking planting was prepared and manure and fertilizers were applied as recommended above except using urea at 150 kg per hectare. The total quantity of cowdung was applied during land reparation. Half of the recommended quantity of urea, the total quantity of TSP, and half of MP were applied 7 days before the transplanting of stockings. Rest halves of the urea and MP were applied at 15 and 30 days after transplanting. The two-factor experiment was laid out in the randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Each block was divided into nine-unit plots each measuring 1.5 m × 1.0 m. The block to block and plot to plot distances were I m and 50 cm respectively. In each block, nine treatments were placed randomly. Thus there were 27 (9×3) unit plots altogether in the experiment. Carefully uprooted plants were pruned as per the required extent (1//2 root and 3/4th shoot) of the treatment. Prior to transplanting the cut stockings were kept in the solution of Dithane M-45 @ 2 g per liter of water for 5 minutes to prevent a fungal infestation at the cut surface. The prepared stockings of carrot were transplanted on 5, 15, and 25 January 2008 maintaining a spacing of 30 and 25 cm between the rows and stockings respectively. A little portion of the root was kept above the ground level at the time of transplanting. The transplanting was done in the afternoon. Other practices like irrigation, weeding and mulching, pest and disease management, staking, harvesting of seed, drying, cleaning, and seed collection were performed as per common practice. Five sample plants were selected randomly from each plot and data were recorded on an individual plant basis from the selected plants in respect of Plant height (cm), number of days taken for flowering and fruit set, number of days required from flowering to fruit set, number of single umbels per compound umbel, Number of flowers per single umbel, Number of primary umbels per plant, Number of secondary umbels per plant, Size of main umbel (cm), Size of primary umbel (cm), size of secondary umbel (cm), seed yield in main, primary and secondary umbels (g), seed yield per plant (g), seed yield per plot (g), seed yield per hectare (kg), the weight of 1000 seeds (g) and germination percentage of seeds. The data collected from the experimental plots were statistically analyzed. The mean values of all treatments were calculated and the analysis of variance for most of the characters was accomplished by the F variance test. The significance of difference among the treatment means was evaluated by the least significant difference (LSD) test at 5% and 1% levels of probability.