Tanjida Afrin Chhanda
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
Md. Abdur Rahman Sarkar
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
Suriaya Perveen
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
Md. Mosharaf Hossain
Mouza and plot based National Digital Land Zoning Project, Ministry of Land Bhumi Bhaban (12th floor), 98, Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh
Ahmed Khairul Hasan*
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
T. aman rice, Nitrogen, Variety, Growth, USG
At the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
Crop-Soil-Water Management
Study area: The experiment was conducted from July to December at the Agronomy Field, Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh to study the effect of variety and nitrogen fertilizer placement. The field belongs to the Agroecological region of the old Brahmaputra Flood plain (AEZ-9) (UNDP and FAO, 1988) and the soil of the site belongs to the Sonatola series of the dark grey flood plain soil under the old Brahmaputra Alluvial Tract. The field was medium high land with silty clay loam soil having pH value of 6.5. The climate was characterized by high temperature, high humidity and heavy rainfall in April-September (Kharif season) and scanty rainfall associated with moderately low temperature during October-March (Rabi seasons).
Experimentation and crop husbandry The study was consisted three varieties viz.V1 = BR 11, V2 = Binadhan-7 and V3=BRRI dhan 49 and five nitrogen fertilizer managements viz. F1 =Two splits of prilled urea – 1 /2 as basal + 1 /2 at maximum tillering (MT), F2=Three splits of PU - 1/3 as basal + 1/3 at MT + 1/3 at panicle initiation (PI), F3=Two splits of PU - at 15 days after transplanting(DAT) + 1/2 MT, F4= Urea super granules (USG) (1.8g) placed at 6 cm depth, and F5= Urea super granules (USG)(1.8g) placed at 8 cm depth. It was laid out in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. The size of the unit plot was 10m2 (4.0m x 2.5m) and was separated by 0.5 m wide bund.
Seeds of rice varieties were collected from the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. The seeds were sown in the nursery bed on July. After the final land preparation, the field layout was made as per the design. Fertilizers were applied to the plots @ 120, 60, 40 and 10 kg ha-1 of triple super phosphate, muriate of potash, gypsum and ZnSO4, respectively. All the fertilizers were applied by broadcasting and incorporated into the soil at the time of final land preparation. Prilled urea (45.5 kg N ha-1 ) was applied as per treatment. Urea super Granules (USG) (1.8 g) were placed at depth of 6 cm and 8 cm at the centre of four hills of two adjacent rows at 10 days after transplanting (DAT) in the specific plots. Thirty-day old seedlings were transplanted in the well puddled experimental plots on 15 August.
Seedlings in some hills died off and these were replaced by gap filling after one week of transplanting with seedlings from the same source. Three hand weedings were done at 15, 30 and 45 DAT to control the weeds. Experimental plots were irrigated as and when needed. Excess water was drained out of the plots before 15 days of harvest to enhance maturity of the crop. The crop was harvested on 18 December at full maturity.
Collection of data Five hills (excluding border hills) were selected randomly from each unit plot and uprooted before harvesting for recording necessary data. After sampling, 5m2 from the middle of each unit plot were harvested at maturity. The harvested crop of each plot was separately bundled, properly tagged and then brought to the threshing floor. The grains were cleaned and sun dried to a moisture content of 14%. Straws were also sun dried properly. Finally grain and straw yields plot-1 were recorded and converted to t ha-1.
Statistical analysis The collected data were analyzed statistically following the analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique and significance of the mean differences were adjudged by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) using a statistical computer package programme MSTAT-C.
Res. Agric. Livest. Fish. Vol. 8, No. 3, December 2021: 281-289.