M.M. Hossain
Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
M. M. Kamal
Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
D. Sarker
Entomology Division,BARI, Gazipur
A field experiment was conducted at SRC, Bogra during rabi season 2012-2013 to evaluate the effectiveness of several management approaches against thrips in onion. The experiment was laid out in RCB design with four replications. The treatments were T1=Neem seed extract @ 50g/litre; T2= Spinosad (Tracer 45SC) @ 0.4ml/litre; T3= White sticky trap @ 40 trap/ha; T4= Spinosad (Tracer 45SC) @ 0.4ml/litre + White sticky trap@ 40 trap/ha; T5= Intrepid (Chlorphenapyr 10 SC) @ 1ml/litre + White sticky trap @ 40 trap/ha and T6= Untreated control. Spraying of Intrepid (Chlorphenapyr 10 SC) @1ml/litre of water + White sticky trap offered lowest thrips population (3.80 thrips/plant) and highest marginal benefit cost ratio (12.90). The highest percentage of plant infestation (75.08%) reduction over control was also obtained from Intrepid+ White sticky trap treated plot followed by Spinosad + White sticky trap treated plot (70.03%).
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
Variety and Species
To asses the efficacy of bio-rational and synthetic insecticide against thrips infestation of onion.
The study was conducted at SRC, Bogra during Rabi 2012-2013 to test the efficacy of bio-rational and synthetic insecticide against thrips infestation of onion. BARI Onion-4 was used as test crop for this trial. Onion seedlings were transplanted in 20 December 2012. Individual plot size was 3m × 1.2m and spacing was 15cm ×10cm. The treatments were T1=Neem seed extract @ 50g/litre; T2= Spinosad (Tracer 45SC) @ 0.4ml/litre; T3= White sticky trap @ 40 trap/ha; T4= Spinosad (Tracer 45SC) @ 0.4ml/litre + White sticky trap@ 40 trap/ha; T5= Intrepid (Chlorphenapyr 10 SC) @ 1ml/litre + White sticky trap @ 40 trap/ha and T6= Untreated control. Treatments were assigned in RCB design with four replications. The crop was fertilized with/In addition to 5 t/ha of cow dung, the crop was fertilized with N110P52K75S20Zn4B1.5kg/ha. The entire amount of cow dung P, S, B, Zn, 1/3 N and ½ K was applied during land preparation. The rest N and K was applied in two equal splits at 25 and 50 DAT). Three weedings were done at 17, 28 and 45 DAT. Four irrigations were done at 17, 28, 42 and 55 DAT. The crop was harvested on 6 April 2013.Thrips population was counted at 10 days interval starting from the first appearance of thrips infestation. The first spray was applied when the thrips population was observed at economic threshold level (6-10 thrips per plant, Hazara et al., 1999). Number of thrips (both nymphs and adults) was recorded before and after treatment application from 20 randomly selected plants in each plot with the help of magnifying glass. All recommended agronomic practices were followed to raise the crops. Crop yield data were also recorded immediately after crop harvest.
Annual Research Report 2012-13, Spice Research Center, BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
It is evident that all the management options showed significantly reduced thrips population compared to control plot. After first treatment application, the lowest number of thrips population (4.94 thrips /plant) was observed from Intrepid + White sticky trap treated plot, followed by Spinosad +White sticky trap treated plot (4.95 thrips/ plant) and only with Spinosad treated plot (5.05 thrips/plant). There were no significant statistical differences among these three treatments. On the other hand significantly maximum number of thrips population (12.04 thrips /plant) was observed from control plot (Table1). More or less similar result was observed after second and third treatment application. The highest percentage of thrips population reduction (75.08%) over control was observed in Intrepid + White sticky trap treated plot followed by Spinosad +White sticky trap treated plot (70.03%) and only with Spinosad treated plot (66.43%). However, the highest yield was obtained from Intrepid + White sticky trap treated plot (22.99 t/ha) followed by Spinosad + White sticky trap treated plot (22.15 t/ha) but there was no significant difference between these two treatments.
Intrepid+ White sticky trap and Spinosad + White sticky trap found better against thrips control in onion with higher yield and economic return.