M.M. Kamal
Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
M.M. Hossain
Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
A field experiment was conducted during kharif season, 2013 at SRC, Bogra to find out the effective management options against thrips-mites complex in chilli. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Five treatments viz. Sticky white trap + Neem oil@5ml/l (T1); Spraying of Neem oil @5ml/l (T2); Chlorfenapyr (Intrepid 10EC) @1ml/L (T3); Sticky white trap + Chlorfenapyr (Intrepid10EC) @1ml/L (T4) and Abamectin (Vertimec 1.8EC) @ 1.2ml/liter + Spinosad (Tracer45SC) @ 0.4ml/liter (T5) including untreated control (T6) were studied in this experiment. Among the treatment, Vertimec (Abamectin) 18EC @ 1.2ml/liter of water + Spinosad (Tracer45SC) @ 0.4ml/liter of water performed better in reducing both thrips and mites infestation. The thrips infestation reduction (87.33%) and mites infestation reduction (81.67%) was highest with Vertimec (Abamectin)18EC@1.2ml/liter + Spinosad (Tracer 45SC)@0.4ml/liter treated plot. Significantly highest green chilli yield (4.64 t/ha) was also obtained from Vertimec (Abamectin) 18EC + Spinosad (Tracer45SC) which differed significantly from other treatments. The lowest yield was obtained from untreated control plot (1.07t/ha).
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
Variety and Species
To determine effective management options against thrips-mite complex in chilli.
A field experiment was conducted to find out the effective management options against thrips-mite complex in chilli at SRC, Bogra during kharif season 2013. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications using BARI Chilli-1 as the test crop. Five treatments viz. Sticky white trap + Neem oil@5ml/l (T1); Spraying of Neem oil @5ml/l (T2); Chlorfenapyr (Intrepid 10EC) @1ml/L (T3); Sticky white trap + Chlorfenapyr (Intrepid10EC) @1ml/L (T4) and Abamectin (Vertimec 1.8EC) @ 1.2ml/liter + Spinosad (Tracer45SC) @ 0.4ml/liter (T5) including untreated control (T6) were studied in this experiment. Seedlings were transplanted in the main field on 28 March 2013.Unit plot size was 3m X 3m and crop spacing was 50cm X 10cm. In addition to 5 t/ha of cow dung, the crop was fertilized with N95P66 K100 S20 kg/ha. The entire quantity of cow dung, P, 1/3 K and S was applied during land preparation. The rest of N and K will be applied in three at 25, 50 and 70 DAT, All recommended agronomic practices were followed in the production of chilli. First spray against thrips and mites was applied at 25 DAT when the thrips and mites population first observed in the plot. Second and third sprays were applied at 15 days intervals. Thrips and mites population counting was done just before insecticide use from five leaves of each plant of randomly selected 5 plants from each plot with the help of magnifying glass and stereo-microscope. Observation on the incidence of leaf curl complex induced by thrips and mite were also recorded from 5 randomly selected plants in each plot. The averages rating in various treatments were worked out. Yield data of green chilli were recorded just after harvest.
Annual Research Report 2012-13, Spice Research Center, BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
The best thrips control was obtained from Abamectin (Vertimec 1.8EC) @ 1.2ml/liter + Spinosad (Tracer45SC) @ 0.4ml/liter treated plot (1.03thrips/plant after 3rd spray), followed by white sticky trap + Chlorfenapyr (Intrepid10EC) @ 1ml/L (1.67 thrips/plant after 3rd spray) and Chlorfenapyr (Intrepid10EC) @ 1ml/L (2.89 thrips/plant after 3rd spray) over other treatment Table-3. Accordingly highest percentage of thrips infestation reduction (87.33%) was found from Abamectin (Vertimec 1.8EC) @ 1.2ml/liter + Spinosad (Tracer45SC) treated plot followed by Sticky white trap+ chlorfenapyr (Intrepid 10EC) and sloe chlorfenapyr (Intrepid 10EC) treated plot
Abamectin (Vertimec 1.8EC) + Spinosad (Tracer45SC) treated plot gave highest green chilli yield (4.64 t/ha) which differed significantly from other treatments. .
Abamectin (Vertimec1.8EC) @ 1.2ml/liter + Spinosad (Tracer45SC) @ 0.4ml/liter were most effective in controlling thrips-mite complex problem in chilli with higher yield.