M. H. Rashid
Senior Scientific Officer
Plant Pathology Division, RARS, Rahmatpur
A field experiment was conducted at RARS, Rahmatpur, Barisal during late Rabi season of 2012-13 to evaluate blackgram genotypes/lines for higher yield and YMV disease resistant. Four entries and 3 varieties of blackgram were used following RCBD with three replications. The lines BD-10050 produced the highest 100 seed weight and yield followed by BD-68172 and the lowest yield was recorded in check variety (894.60 kg ha-1). The highest YMV was recorded in check variety and lowest disease was observed in BD-10050 and BARImash-3. So, the line BD-10050, BD-68172 and BD-6863 may be selected for PYT for higher yield and low disease severity.
RARS, Rahmatpur, Barishal
Pest Management
To find out resistant source against YMV of blackgram
The experiment was conducted at RARS, Rahmatpur, Barisal during late Rabi season of 2013. The trail was laid out in RCBD with three replications. A total of 4 entries and 3 check varieties were evaluated. Seeds were sown by line sowing method on February, 2013. Data for various important plant parameters were taken from 10 randomly selected plants of each plot. Data of yellow mosaic virus (YMV) was scored 0-8 scoring scale according to Malik (1992) where, 0 = no infection, 1 = 1-5% plant parts infected (I), 2 = 6-10% plant parts infected (HR), 3 = 11-20% plant parts infected (R), 4 = 21-30% plant parts infected (MR), 5 = 31-40% plant parts infected (T), 6 = 41-50% plant parts infected (MT), 7 = 51-80% plant parts infected (S) and 8 = 81-100% plant parts infected (HS).
Annual Report
It was observed that there were significant differences among entries for all the characters. Plant height ranged from 32.40-61.23 cm. The tallest plant was recorded in BD-10050 and the shortest in BARImash-2. 100 seed weight ranged 2.77-5.31g. The highest seed weight was observed in BD-68172 and the lowest in BARImashi-2 and BARImashi-3. Yield ranged from 894.60-2335.00 kg ha-1. The highest yield was recorded in BD-10050 and the lowest in Madaripur local check. The lowest YMV was recorded in BD-10050 and lowest in BARImash-3.