M. A. K. Mridha
IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur
M. S. Islam
IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur
M. S. Alam
M. M. Hossain
The experiment was conducted at the central farm of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur during 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. Three different depths to artificial groundwater/subsurface water level viz . 30 cm. 45 cm ad 60 cm were maintained in three lysimter tanks. Another lysimeter tank was kept as a control. Altogether four lysimeter tanks were used for this study. Measured quantity of water was applied everyday in each tank except the control treatment to maintain the same water level. Also measured quantity of irrigation water was applied at 25, 35 and 55 days after sowing to all the lysimeter tanks. Highest yields (1.94 t/ha in 1999-2000 and 1.88 t/ha in 2000-2001) were obtained in the treatment where the depth to water level was 30 cm (T1) Results show that subsurface water level even at 30 cm below the ground surface did not create water logging of drainage problem to mustard rather it contributed towards crop water requirement. In other words, closer was the groundwater level from soil surface. higher was the yield. This study shows that mustard can be grown in the low lying areas with shallow depth to groundwater level even at 30 c below the ground surface.
Mustard, subsurface water level, lysimeter
Central farm, BARI, Gazipur
Crop-Soil-Water Management
The study was undertaken to see the effect of subsurface water levels on mustard production.
The experiment was conducted on mustard (Brassica campestris. Variety: SS-75) at the central research station of the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI). Joydebpur (Lat: 24.000N and Long: 90.250E) during the dry season of 1999-2001 and 2000-2001. Four Lysimeter tanks were used for the study. Three desired depths to water level in three tanks were maintained throughout the crop period. Another lysimeter tank was kept as a control.
Measured quantity of water was added to the lysimeter tanks except the control treatment everyday to maintain the required depth to water level. Each lysimeter tank was 1.0 m × 1.0 m in size with 100 cm effective soil (Fig.1). The same crop was grown out side the lysimeter tank to maintain similar environment.
Row to row spacing was 20 cm. The soil was lilty clay loam with an average bulk denisity of 1.50 g/cc and field capacity of 27.50 percent by weight basis. Fertilizers at the rate of 140.80 and 60 kg/ha of N, P205, respectively, were used.
At the beginning of the experiment, soil moisture levels in the lysimetr-tank were brought to an identical condition by adding water wherever necessary. Average soil moisture content at the sowing time at 5 to 10 cm depth was 24.0 per cent in 1999-2000 and 24.20 percent in 2000-2001. Irrigation water was applied in measured quantity so that it could not influence the groundwater levels (GWL) of lysimeter tanks. Three irrigations were given at vegetative (25 days after sowing (DAS), flowering (35 DAS) and siliqua filling (55 ADS) stages at all the lysimeter crops. In 1999-2000, seeds were sown on November 27. 1999 and the crop was harvested on March 17. 2000. In 2000-2001, seeds were sown on November 23. 2000 and the crop was harvested on March 9, 2001.
Results show that subsurface water level even at 30 cm below the ground surface did not create water logging or drainage problem to mustard rather subsurface water contributed towards crop water requirements and increased yields. In this experiment the closer was the subsurface water level the higher was the yield. From this study it can be concluded that mustard can be grown in the low lying areas of Bangladesh where groundwater/subsurface water exists at a shallow depth 30 cm and below.