Amal Kumar das
Senior Scientific Officer
BSPC, Debigonj
The damage severity of potato due to cutworm Agrotis ipsilon (Hutnagel) was recorded during rabi season 2009-10 in the experimental plot of BSPC, Debigonj, Panchagarh. Six treatment such as hand picking at 5 days interval, hand picking at 10 days interval, poison bait made with rice bran and Chlorpyriphos spray with Dursban 20EC, Lorsban 15G and control. The cutworm infestation was higher in control plot (10.56% tuber damage by no. and 10.13% by wt. The tuber infestation was statistically identical in all treatment.
Management, Potato, Cutworm
Pest Management
to take necessary action for its control using different management approaches
The experiment was conducted at Breeder Seed Production Centre (BSPC) Debigonj, Panchagarh following the Randomized Complete Block Design with three replication. Six treatment such as hand picking at 5 days interval, hand picking at 10 days interval, poison bait made with rice bran and chlorpyriphos, spray with Dursban 20EC, Lorsban 15G and control. The variety was Diamant. The spacing between row to row and plant to plant were 60 cm and 25 cm, respectively. Each unit plot was 3m3m. Fertilizers were used as per recommended doses of TCRC (Urea 350 kg/ha, TSP 220 kg/ha, MOP 260 kg/ha, and Gypsum 120 kg/ha). Irrigation was given twice. The experiment was setup on 26 November. Necessary intercultural operation, were done timely. Data on the cut seedling and % tuber infestation were recorded from each plot. The no. of cut seedlings were recoded at 15 days interval up to 45 days of germination. The tubers were harvested after 90 days of planting. Percentage of tuber infestation and yield of good tuber were recorded. Data were analyzed statistically using DMRT for the mean separation.
Annual Report- 2009-10
All the treatments (hand picking at 5 days interval, hand picking at 10 days interval, poison bait made with rice bran and chlorpyriphos, spray with Dursban 20EC, Lorsban 15G) were effective to control the cutworm infestation. In small areas farmers may practice in hand picking. Because it is the easy method for low costing as well as hazard free.