Md. Iqbal Hossain
Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research Centre,BARI
Joydebpur, Gazipur
M. Hossain and T. K. Dey
Tuber Crops Research Centre,BARI
Joydebpur, Gazipur
Percent scabby tuber influenced by different treatments and ranged from 21.73 -48.83 by weight. Significantly lowest (21.73 %) scabby tuber was recorded in control treatment (without scab infection) and it was maximum (48.83%) in 100% moderately infected tuber. There was no direct correlation with tuber yield and inoculums severity level in the present experimental conditions.
Inoculum, Scab, Potato, Progeny
Pest Management
To find out the effect of severity level of scabby tuber on progeny tuber production
Potato variety Diamant was used in the experiment. Design was RCBD with 2 factor having three replications. There were 5 inoculums levels of common scab (5, 10, 20, 50 and 100%) with mild (1-30%), moderate (31-70%) and severe (71-100%) infection were used as infected tubers. Data on plant emergence, tuber yield and scabby tubers were collected and analyzed statistically.
Annual Report- 2008-09
Scab disease can be transmitted through seed tuber into their progeny. So, it is necessary to avoid use of scabby tuber as seed potato in order to produce healthy seed production.