S. N. Alam
Chief Scientific Officer
Entomology Division, BARI, Gazipur
F. Khatun
Scientific Officer
Entomology Division, BARI, Gazipur
M. Mahmudunnabi
Scientific Officer
Entomology Division, BARI, Gazipur
M. I. Khalil
Senior Scientific Officer
Ispahani Bio-tec, Konabari, Gazipur
Studies were undertaken at IPM laboratory, Entomology Division, BARI, Gazipur during March – May 2013 to determine the critical storage period of mass reared parasitized host eggs by Trichogramma spp. for its efficient field release. Results indicated that, from already parasitised host eggs, more than 90% parasitoids emerged till 15 days of storage (40C temperature) and even after 60 days 55.33% parasitoids emerged. On the other hand, more than 90% parasitoids emerged till 5 days storage period of fresh host eggs parasitism, after 60 days only 23.33% parasitoids emerged. So, it is better to storage parasitised host eggs instead of fresh host eggs for parasitism. However, it is better to release the parasitised eggs as soon as possible in the field.
Storage duration, Host eggs, Trichogramma spp.
Pest Management
To determine the critical storage period of mass reared parasitized host eggs by Trichogramma spp. for its efficient field release.
In this study Trichogramma evanescens were used for parasitisation of S. cerealella eggs. Mass rearing of both host (S. cerealella) and parasitoids (Trichogramma evanescens) were done at IPM laboratory, Entomology Division, BARI, Gazipur during March – May 2013 by maintaining standard procedure. Mass reared fresh host eggs of S. cerealella as well as parasitized host eggs of S. cerealella by T. evanescens were then preserved in the refrigerator within a desiccators at 4°C temperature and 77% relative humidity. Fresh host eggs were preserved for 7 different durations, viz. 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 days. After each duration the preserved host eggs were brought out from the refrigerator and parsitized them with T. evanescens. On the other hand, already parasitized host eggs were preserved for those same 7 different durations. Number of Trichogramma evanescens adult emergence from 200 parasitized host eggs from both types of parasitism patterns, fresh host eggs & parasitosed them before field release and parsitized host eggs parasitized by each Trichogramma sp were observed, counted and recorded.
Annual Report 2012-2013, Entomology Division, BARI , Gazipur
Results indicated that, from already parasitised host eggs, more than 90% parasitoids emerged till 15 days of storage (40C temperature) and even after 60 days 55.33% parasitoids emerged. On the other hand, more than 90% parasitoids emerged till 5 days storage period of fresh host eggs parasitism, after 60 days only 23.33% parasitoids emerged. So, it is better to storage parasitised host eggs instead of fresh host eggs for parasitism. However, it is better to release the parasitised eggs as soon as possible in the field.