Dr. Mohammed Hossain
Chief Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
Md. Iqbal Hossain
Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
All the doses of Finavestan reduced the PLRV and PVY infection. High doses of Finavestan reduced aphid population. Finavestan 35 ml/L showed better performance. Lowest percent of PLRV and PVY infection was recorded in 35 ml/L Finavestan treated plot (4.77%).
Finavestan, Emulsion, PLRV, PVY, Aphid, Control
Pest Management
To find out appropriate dose of Finavestan TS in reducing PLRV and PVY infection through aphid vector control
Finavestan TS (supplied by Total, France) was used with 5 doses (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 ml/litre) to control the aphid vector. The crop was sprayed with Finavestan TS at every 10 days intervals for 6 times. A control treatment was also maintained without using any Finavestan TS. Data on wingless aphid were taken before every spraying. Cold stored potato tuber samples were planted in the field. Data on PLRV and PVY infection were taken from grown up crop at 35 and 45 DAP.
Annual Report-2008-09
Reduction of aphid population by using Finavestan (35 ml/L) indicates less chance of virus transmission through tuber.