Q. M. Alam
Principal Scientific Officer
Agricultural Economics Division, BARI, Gazipur
R. Islam
Scientific Officer
Agricultural Economics Division, BARI, Gazipur
M.A. Baset
Senior Scientific Officer
Agricultural Economics Division, BARI, Gazipur
The study was conducted in Rajshai Barind areas of Bangladesh to know the short and long term impact of four cylinder manual (Pedal) Pump developed by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. Gazipur, Bangladesh. The Pump was dominated by small farms who cultivated vegetables in homestead fallow land. Simple cost and return analysis says that the pump was profitable in the short-run. It was found that in both private and social point of view the pump was profitable and acceptable in the short run as well as in the long run. The command area of the pump was 0.20 ha. The pump was found underutilized. For full utilization of the pump, its operation should be extended to the main field where water source is available. Nevertheless, the pump is a substitute to modern irrigation system.
Impact, productivity, income, employment, four cylinder manual pump.
Rajshahi Barind tract
i. To know the short term impact of four cylinder manual pump;
ii. To determine the long term impact of four cylinder manual pump;
iii. To find the constraints and disadvantages of this pump and
iv. To recommend possible improvement of this irrigation technology.
The study was conducted in Rajshahi Barind tract of Bangladesh because BARI mostly supplied this irrigation technology in this area and for the purpose of the study Godagari thana under district was selected. A formal field survey was conducted from 30 farmers using FCPP in this area. Also from the nearby area similar number of non-uses of FCPP was also interviewed for the purpose of the study. The field data for the study covered 2004-05 kharif and Rabi seasons. The secondary data was also inevitable. Therefore, various books and reports were consulted to collect the necessary secondary information. In this study the benefit of FCPP irrigation was looked at both the economic and the financial points of view. Internal rate of return when used in economic analysis is termed as Internal Economic Return (IER) and when used for financial analysis, it is termed as Internal Financial Return (IFR).
Annual Research Report 2005, Agricultural Economics Division, BARI, Gazipur
The total cost in the kharif season was Tk 51048/ha and Tk 64760/ha in the rabi season. The return per ha was worked out as Tk 8498 and Tk 17057 in the kharif and rabi season respectively. The investment cost of the FCPP project from economic and financial analysis was done. The investment costs for 1 ha of land were worked out as Tk. 7359 for economic analysis and Tk 10946 for financial analysis. The operation and maintenance costs for economic and financial analysis were calculated as Tk 22452/ha and Tk 11129/ ha for one crop year. For economic analysis per ha production cost for irrigated and non-irrigated vegetables were calculated as Tk 49971/ha and 17253/ha respectively and for financial analysis it was Tk 27888/ha and 19526/ha respectively. It was found that benefit cost ratio was more than 1(one) which indicates that FCPP project was acceptable from economic point of view. Internal rate of return was found to be more than 50 percent in both economic and financial analysis which indicated that FCPP project was profitable both from the society and farmers point of view. Thus it was found that in both private and social point of view the pump was profitable and acceptable in the short run as well as in the long run. The command area of the pump was 0.20 ha. The pump was found underutilized. For full utilization of the pump, its operation should be extended to the main field where water source is available. Nevertheless, the pump is a substitute to modern irrigation system