Mst. Majida Khatun
Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre, BARI
Joydebpur, Gazipur
S. N. Alam, A. A. Mahmud and M.A. Hoque.
Tuber Crops Research centre, BARI
Joydebpur, Gazipur
Five potato varieties namely Diamant, Cardinal, Espirit, Granola and Patrones were tested ogainst cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufner) a three different locations Bogra, Munsigonj and Joydebpur in Bangladesh. Percent plant damage upto 45 days, the variety Diamant showed less damage by cutworm in all three locations that was Bogra (1.72), Munsiganj (1.67) and Joydebpur (1.82) respectively. But maximum damage was recorded in Patrones for all locations. Percent of damage tuber no. was the lowest in Cardinal, Granola and Patrones at Bogra and Munsigonj. The yield of potato was higher in the variety of Diamant and Cardinal for all locations.
Damage, Cutworm, Potato
Joydebpur, Munsigonj and Bogra
Pest Management
To monitor damage severity of cutworm in major potato growing areas.
The experiments were conducted at three locations namely, Joydebpur, Munsigonj and Bogra. The experiment was set at 23.11. 2008 and laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The unit plot size was 3mx3m maintaining spacing of 60cm x25 cm. Fertilizer was used at per recommended doses. Irrigation was given twice. Five potato varieties namely, Diamant, Cardinal, Espirit, Granola and patrones is in the trial. No pesticide was applied during the cropping period. Per cent of plant damage up to 45 days was recorded for damage at vegetative stage. The crop was harvested on 25.02.09. After harvest data on the percent of tuber damage and non-infested by number and weight and yield of tubers, no. of hole/damage tuber were collected and analyzed statistically.
Annual report-2008-09, TCRC
Diamant showed less damage by cutworm in all locations. Percent of damage tuber no. was the lowest in Cardinal, Granola and Patrones at Bogra and Munsigonj. The yield of potato was higher in the variety of Diamant and Cardinal for all locations.