M. A. Aziz
Agronomy Division, Gazipur
M. K. Islam
ARS, Burirhat, Rangpur
System productivity, Potato- Maize+ Mungbean-T. Aman cropping sequence, Mungbean residue
ARS, Burirhat, Rangpur
Farming System
Potato, Maize, Rice, Mungbean
The experiment was conducted at ARS, Burirhat, Rangpur during rabi season of 2007-08 to Kharif II, 2008 in RCB design with 3 replications. Six treatments of cropping sequence were as follows: 1. FP: Potato-Maize-T. Aman (farmers does) 2. FP: Potato-Maize-T. Aman (recommended fertilizer) 3. AP: Potato-Maize + Mungbean (uprooted). -T.Aman 4. AP: Potato-Maizee + Mungbean (residue incorporated)-T.Aman 5. AP: Potato-Mungbean (uprooted)-T.Aman 6. AP: Potato- Mungbean (residue incorporated). -T.Aman Unit plot size was 3.6m x 4.5m. Farmers’ fertilizer dose was used in T1 while recommended fertilizer dose were used in other treatments. Farmers’ dose was NPKSZnB 100, 25, 50, 6, 0.5, 0.5 kg/ha for potato, 136, 30, 60, 7, 0.5, 0.5 for maize and 38, 5, 15, 4, 0, 0 kg/ha for T. aman. Recommended fertilizer dose was NPKSMgZnB 96, 16, 64, 10, 6, 2.5, 1 kg/ha for potato, 196, 36, 75, 10, 3, 3, 1 kg/ha for maize and 66, 4, 22, 8, 0, 1, 0 kg/ha for T. aman. In T. Aman except N, all fertilizers were applied as basal, N top dressed were at 15, 30, 45 days after transplanting (DAT); in potato ½ N & all other fertilizers as basal and rest ½ N as top dressed at 30 days after emergence (DAE); and in maize except N, all fertilizers as basal. N top dressed at 25 and 45 days after sowing (DAS). Yield and yield contributing characters, biomass yield of mungbean were recrded and analyzed statisticall. Cost and return were computed based on farmgate price of the products.
Annual Research Report, Agronomy Division 2008-2009, BARI