
The Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture were formally adopted by 150 countries at the International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources held in Leipzig in 1996. The Conference also adopted the Leipzig Declaration, which focuses on the importance of plant genetic resources for world food security, and commits countries to the implementation of the plan.

The Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture were formally adopted by 150 countries at the International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources held in Leipzig in 1996. The Conference also adopted the Leipzig Declaration, which focuses on the importance of plant genetic resources for world food security, and commits countries to the implementation of the plan.

The Mechanism is based on the participation of stakeholders at national level and seeks to promote information exchange and strengthen stakeholder cooperation, thereby contributing to enhance the capacity of the National Programme for Conservation and Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources and, thus Agro-biodiversity. The Mechanism includes a computer application to facilitate the management of the information addressed by a list of indicators and a related reporting format for monitoring the implementation of the GPA in the country.

The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Ministry of Agriculture acted as the Coordinating Institution for the Mechanism in the country. Activities towards its establishment included an initial meeting with different stakeholders held in November 28-29, 2004 to discuss the overall plan of its establishment and to receive in service training for carrying out the activities. The first stakeholders' meeting was organized to gain the understanding and commitment of stakeholders in the establishment process and introduce the computer application for sharing information among stakeholders. The second stakeholders' workshop was held in March 23-24, 2005 to gain an understanding of the indicators and reporting format for monitoring the GPA implementation and to train stakeholders in the use of the computer application on NISM-GPA database. Following the analysis of the information gathered, a report including an overview of the status of PGRFA activities in Bangladesh has been prepared. The third workshop was organized in July 26 - 27, 2006 to review and finalize the draft report on the establishment and strengthening of the National Information Sharing Mechanism on GPA implementation. The workshop also identified information gaps for preparing the Country Report on the State of PGRFA and agreed on solutions to fill in these gaps. The National GPA Information Sharing Mechanism web site was demonstrated. The Fourth Stakeholders Meeting was held on January 10 - 11, 2007. Prior to the Fourth Stakeholders Meeting, further information from stakeholder organizations were collected and incorporated in the draft report. The revised Draft Report was sent to representatives of stakeholder organizations for review. The report was updated in the meeting with active participation and inputs provided by participants from stakeholder organizations. The Reports and NISM-GPA database were then finalized.

All the information compiled under the National Information Sharing Mechanism on GPA Implementation, including the final country report, can be accessed through this web site. The computer application of the Mechanism and its database are also available off-line on CDs.

Activities of National Information Sharing Mechanism on PGRFA included a two-day long training-workshop on the "Collection and Management of PGR Data" held during July 18-19, 2010 under the project entitled "Capacity Building and Regional Collaboration for Enhancing the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources in Asia". The training-workshop was organized to update knowledge of the stakeholders on the collection procedures and management of PGR data.

A two-day long training-workshop on the "National Information Sharing Mechanism-Global Plan of Action Database" was organized during November 1-2, 2010. A total of 40 participants from the aforesaid organizations (stakeholders) attended the program. Dr. Wais Kabir, Executive Chairman, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council formally inaugurated the training-workshop as Chief Guest. Dr. Md. Khalequzzaman A. Chowdhury, Member Director (Crops) and the National Focal Point of PGRFA chaired the program. Dr. Chowdhury highlighted the importance of collecting and preserving information on plant genetic resources to enhance crop production.

The first review meeting of the Institutional Focal Points was organized by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council on August 30, 2011. A total of 20 participants from the following organizations attended the meeting. Dr. Md. Khalequzzaman A. Chowdhury presided over the review meeting. The progress of PGR information was discussed in the meeting. The participating focal points selected/scrutinized updated GPA information of different organizations.

The second review meeting of the Institutional Focal Points was organized by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council on May 16, 2011. A total of 22 participants from the following organizations attended the meeting. Dr. Md. Khalequzzaman A. Chowdhury presided over the meeting. The progress of PGR information was discussed in the meeting. The institutional focal points evaluated all updated GPA data of different organizations.

The third review meeting of the Institutional Focal Points was organized by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council on June 15, 2011. A total of 20 participants from the following organizations attended the meeting. Dr. Md. Khalequzzaman A. Chowdhury presided over the meeting. The progress of PGR information was discussed in the meeting in presence of Dr. Duncan Vaughan, Chief Technical Adviser of the project. Dr. Chowdhury, participating institutional focal points and Chief Technical Adviser discussed in details on updated GPA information of different organizations.

After the third stakeholders meeting, PGR related information was sought from the stakeholders and collected inputs have been incorporated in the draft report. The draft report was then sent to Dr. Vaughan for review and technical guidance. This report is prepared through the technical assistance of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This report is the product of GPA- 20 Priority Activity Area, project activities to share with under NISM-GPA, specific cases and the project management issues. Dr. M Khalequzzaman A Chowdhury, Member-Director (Crops), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) & National Focal Point, compiled this report in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Lutfur Rahman. The reports and NISM-GPA database were subsequently finalized.

All the information compiled under the National Information Sharing Mechanism on GPA Implementation, including the final country report, can be accessed through this web site. The computer application of the Mechanism and its database are available off-line on CDs. Other countries' mechanism including the Mechanism of Bangladesh can also be accessed in several languages under the FAO World Information and Early Warning System on Plant Genetic Resources (WIEWS).

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