24201 |
In Vitro Cytotoxic and Anthelmintic Activities of Leaf and Root Extracts of Leonurus Sibiricus L. |
M. R. Saha
Department of Pharmacy, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Sonapur, Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh |
24202 |
Effect of Different Plant Growth Regulators on Direct Regeneration of Watermelon (citrulus Lanatus Thumb.) |
R. S. Sultana
Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205,
Bangladesh. |
24203 |
Influence of Clay, Active Iron Content and Ph on Phosphorus Sorption of Some Rice Soils of Bangladesh |
N.I. Bhuiyan CSO and Head Soil Chemistry Division, BRRI, Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh. |
24204 |
In Vitro Germination and Micropropagation of Geodorum Densiflorum (lam.) Schltr., an Endangered Orchid Species |
S. K. Bhadra
Department of Botany, University of Chittagong, Chittagong-4331, Bangladesh |
24205 |
Investigation Into Carnivorous Feeding Nature of Piranha (pygocentrus Nattereri) Under Laboratory Condition in Bangladesh |
M. M. R. Khan Professor Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh |
00-00-2003 |
00-00-2005 |
24206 |
Effect of Organic Composts in Red Amaranth and Spinach Productivity and Soil Fertility |
M. M. Rahman
Department of Soil ScienceBangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur 1706 |
00-12-2009 |
00-03-2010 |
24207 |
Production Potential and Economics of Chickpea Based Mixed Cropping System Under Rainfed Condition |
M.A. Quayyum
Agronomy Division
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701 |
00-00-1993 |
00-00-1995 |
24208 |
Performance of Different Tillage Implements on Wheat Cultivation |
M. N. Islam P S O Agronomy Division, BARI, Gazipur |
20,000/- |
19-11-2012 |
19-03-2014 |
24209 |
In Vitro Tuberization of Potato Influenced by Benzyl Adenine and Chloro Choline Chloride |
M. ZAKARIA Asstt. Professor Deptt. of Horticulture, BSMRAU, Gazipur. |
24210 |
Repellent Action of Diatomaceous Earth Against the Adult Red Flour Beetle Tribolium Castaneum (herbst) |
A. M. S. Reza
Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh |
24211 |
Influence of N and P Fertilizer Application on Root Growth, Leaf Photosynthesis and Yield Performance of Groundnut |
M. ALTAB HOSSAIN Principal Scientific Officer OFRD, Shyampur, Rajshahi |
01-01-2000 |
30-06-2002 |
24212 |
Growing Degree Days, Dry Matter Production, Grain Growth and Yield of Mustard Varieties |
M. A. Aziz CSO Agronomy Division, BARI, Gazipur |
30,000/- |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2014 |
24213 |
Fertilizer Management in Mustard + Chickpea Intercropping System Under Rainfed Condition |
Agronomy Division,Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur |
00-00-1994 |
00-00-1996 |
24214 |
Abomasal Nematodes in Goats Slaughtered at Different Abattoir of Thakurgaon District, Bangladesh |
M. Nuruzzaman
Department of Parasitology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh |
00-11-2009 |
00-04-2010 |
24215 |
Effects of Different Levels of N and P on the Yield of BINAdhan7 in Old Brahmaputra Floodplain Soil |
A.R.A. Wakel
Department of Soil Science, 1Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202 |
00-07-2011 |
00-11-2011 |
24216 |
Zinc Nutrition of Fine Rice Varieties |
M.S. H.Bir
Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh |
20-08-2009 |
16-12-2009 |
24217 |
Study on the Distribution and Spread of Parthenium (patrthenium Hysterophorus L) Weed in Different Locations and Crops |
B L Nag PSO RARS, Jessore |
40,000/- |
00-00-2012 |
00-00-2013 |
24218 |
Seasonal Variation of Plankton Population of Borobila Beel in Rangpur District |
Department of Fisheries Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
01-07-2003 |
31-07-2004 |
24219 |
Study on Isolation and Partial Purification of Lactase (galactosidase) Enzyme from Lactobacillus Bacteria Isolated from Yogurt |
N. H. M. R.Mozumder
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh |
24220 |
Proximate Composition of Aestuans-olitorius Jute and Its Comparision with Other Varieties |
Md. Manwar Hossain
Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. |