17901 |
Comparative Effects of Hilsha Fish (hilsa Ilisha) Oil a D Soybean Oil 0 Serum and Liver Cholesterol Levels I Experime Tal Ypercholesterolemic Rats Comparative Effects of Hilsha Fish (hilsa Ilisha) Oil and Soybean Oil on Serum and Liver Cholesterol Levels in Experimental Hypercholesterolemic Rats. |
Salarnatullah Quazi
Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Dhaka, Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh |
17902 |
Novel Technology for Lai and Yield Prediction of Crops: an Application to Oil Palm |
M A Awal
Dept. of FPM, BAU, Mymensingh |
17903 |
Design and Development of Drum Seeder |
M. Alam
Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh. |
17904 |
Effect of Time of Planting and Spacing on the Yield of Onion ( Allium Cepa L. ) |
Mohammed Badaruddin
Department of Horticulture,Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. |
00-10-1976 |
00-04-1977 |
17905 |
Development of Salt Tolerance Brassica Campestris Lines Through Somaclonal Variation Under Saline Stress |
D Akhter Assistant Professor Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, SAU, Sylhet |
00-11-2008 |
00-10-2009 |
17906 |
Storage Characteristics of Dried Tomato |
M A Rahman Principal Scientific Officer FMPHT Div., Bangladesh Rice Research lnstitute(BRRI), Gazipur-l70l, Bangladesh. |
17907 |
Impact of Pesticides Use on Farmers' Health: Evidence from Bangladesh |
M. Alam Professor Dept. of Farm Power and Machinery Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh-2202. |
17908 |
Mechanized Soybean Planting for Increased Production and Profitability |
M A Matin Scientific Officer FMP Engg. Division, BARI, Gazipur, Dhaka. |
00-00-2006 |
00-00-2007 |
17909 |
Performance of Water Management in the Selected Flood Control and Drainage (fcd) System: Suggestion for Improvement-1999 |
Dr M Nazmul Hasan PSO Irrigation and Water Management Division, BRRI, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh |
01-07-1998 |
30-06-1999 |
17910 |
Effect of Spacing and Seed Size on the Production of Potato |
A. Rashid
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Dhaka. |
00-11-1974 |
00-03-1975 |
17911 |
An Economic Assessment of Different Threshing Methods for Rice in Bangladesh |
M.M. Alam
Department of Farm Power and Machinery
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh. |
17912 |
Grading and Quality of the Popular Aromatic Rice Varieties Sold in Selected Local Markets of Bangladesh. |
AKM Saiful Islam Senior Scientific Officer FMPHT Division, BRRI, Gazipur, Bangladesh, E-mail: akmsaiful68@yahoo.com; |
17913 |
Immunization of Female Mice with a Plasmid DNA Vaccine Coding Eight Repeats of Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH-i) and Eight T-helper Epitopes Suppress Fertility in Vivo |
Umme K Rima
Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh |
17914 |
Performance of Water Management in the Selected Flood Control and Drainage (fcd) System: Operation and Maintenance of Water Management Infrastructure-1999 |
Dr M Nazmul Hasan PSO Irrigation and Water Management Division, BRRI, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh. |
01-07-1998 |
30-06-1999 |
17915 |
Performance of Water Management in the Selected Flood Control and Drainage (fcd) System: Impact of Water Management Infrastructure (operation of Bwdb/badc/llp Schemes)-1999 |
Dr M Nazmul Hasan PSO Irrigation and Water Management Division, BRRI, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh. |
01-07-1998 |
30-06-1999 |
17916 |
Performance of Water Management in the Selected Flood Control and Drainage (fcd) System: Impact of Water Management Infrastructure (construction of Gravity Flow Irrigation Canals)-1999 |
Dr M Nazmul Hasan PSO Irrigation and Water Management Division, BRRI, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh. |
17917 |
Work Environment and Environmental Pollutions in Rice Mills of Bangladesh |
M. A. Zaman
Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh |
17918 |
Influence of Carrier Protein Conjugation Site and Terminal Modification of a GnRH-i Peptide Sequence in the Development of a Highly Specific Anti-fertility Vaccine. Part I |
Valerie A. Ferro
Department of Immunology, University of Strathclyde,Glasgow, UK; |
17919 |
Effectiveness of Different Substrate Materials to Prepare Trichoderma Harzianum Based Bio-fungicides to Control Foot and Root Rot (fusarium Oxysporum) of Tomato |
M. I. Faruk Senior Scientific Officer Plant Pathology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. |
00-00-2010 |
00-00-2014 |
17920 |
Problems and Prospect of Sugar Industry in Bangladesh |
S. M. I. Hossain Associate Professor Bangabandhu Agricultural University, Shalna, Gazipur, Bangladesh |