18301 |
Yield and Yield Components of Diploid Induced Tetraploid and Triploid Bitter Gourd |
M. A. Miah Scientific Officer RARS, BARI, Rahmatpur, Barisal |
01-01-1993 |
31-07-1993 |
18302 |
Comparative Performance of Some Varieties of Rape and Mustard and the Influence of Season on the Seed Yield |
S. Mandal
Department of Botany, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. |
00-00-1975 |
00-00-1977 |
18303 |
Studies on the Morphology and Anatomy of Schmackeria Lobipes Marsh |
Khair, S. A. I
Department of Marine Biology, University
of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh |
18304 |
Seed Requirment and Method of Sowing of Keora ( Sonneratia Apetala Buch.ham.) Seeds in the Nursery |
M. Rafiqul Islam Field Investigator Plantation Trial Unit Division, Rupatali, Barisal. BFRI |
00-10-1984 |
07-07-1985 |
18305 |
Varietal Trial of Soybean |
M. Shahidullah Principal Scientific Officer BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka |
00-01-1976 |
00-05-1976 |
18306 |
Status and Products of Blacksmith in Sylhet District |
MM Rahman Senior Scientific Officer and Head Workshop Machinery and Maintenance Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701 |
11-04-1996 |
30-08-1996 |
18307 |
Screening of Some Bangladesh Cultivars of Rice for Their Consumers' Preference and Nutritional Characteristics. |
M. R. I. Khan Scientific Officer Institute of Nuclear Agriculture,
Mymensingh. |
18308 |
Tree Crop Interface Study at Varying Levels of Tree Densities at Gazipur |
M A Rahman
Agronomy Division, BARI, Gazipur1701. |
01-07-1996 |
30-05-2000 |
18309 |
Design and Development of a Power Tiller Opbrated Inclined Plate Multi-crop Planter |
Sultan Ahmmed Principal Scientific Officer Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215 |
18310 |
Effects of Rice Hispa Damage on Grain Yield |
Dr. Sheikh Shamiul Haque Principal Scientific Officer Entomology Division,
BRRI, Gazipur |
00-00-1999 |
00-00-1999 |
18311 |
A Multiplb Regression Model for the Prediction of Dry Season Moisture Contents of the Coastal Saline Rice Soils of Bangladesh |
M K Mondal Senior Agricultural Engineer Irrigation and Water Management Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute(BRRI), Gazipur 1701, Bangladesh. |
18312 |
Tree Crop Interface Study at Varying Levels of Tree Densities at Rars Jamalpur |
Monjur Ahmed
Regional Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Jamalpur. |
01-09-1997 |
30-08-2001 |
18313 |
Soil Health Degradation Under Different Land Use Systems and Its Management in Selected Hilly Areas of Bangladesh |
ATM Emdad Hossain
Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, Chittagong, Bangladesh. |
00-00-1999 |
00-00-2005 |
18314 |
Cropping Patterns in the South East Coastal Region of Bangladesh |
S. M. Shahidullah
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Regional Station, Sonagazi, Feni, Bangladesh |
00-00-2000 |
00-00-2001 |
18315 |
Effect of P×s Interactions on Nutrient Concentration and Yield of Wheat, Rice and Mungbean |
M. N. Islam
Department of Soil Science, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1207. |
18316 |
N A Mondal
On-Farm Research Division, BARI, Jessore-7400 |
00-07-1991 |
00-00-1996 |
18317 |
Quality Evaluation of Potato Chips Prepared from Irradiated and Nonirradiated Potatoes Stored at Different Tempera Tures |
M.S. Islam
Institute of Food and Radiation Biology
Atomic Energy Research Establishment
Dhaka. Bangladesh.. |
18318 |
Effect of Ga3 on Biochemical Attributes and Yield of Summer Tomato |
M. S. Rahman
Crop Physiology Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh, Bangladesh |
00-03-2012 |
00-07-2012 |
18319 |
Performance of Spices and Leguminous Crops in Agri-silvi- Horticultural Systems in Southern Region of Bangladesh |
B L Nag
Regional Agricultural Research Station, BARI,Rahmatpur, Barisal. |
00-00-1997 |
00-00-1999 |
18320 |
Effect of Farm Yard Manure, Gypsum and Nitrogen on Growth and Yield of Rice in Saline Soil of Satkhira District, Bangladesh |
A. N. A. Haque
Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh, Bangladesh |
00-01-2013 |
00-04-2013 |