19601 |
Feasibility Study of Motor and Engine Driven Open Drum Thresher |
MB Hossain Instructor (Farm Machinery) Technical School and College, Chatak, Sunamgonj
MB Hossain 1 MA Hosain 2 BC Nath 3
1 Instructor (Farm Machinery), Technical School and College, Chatak, Sunamgonj
1 Instructor (Farm Machinery), Technical School and College, Chatak, Sunamgonj |
19602 |
Zoning of Bangladesh — an Exercise Based on Existing Cropping Practices |
Sajjad Zohir Research Fellow Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies |
19603 |
The Effect of Non-agricultural Self-employment Credit on Contractual Relations and Employment in Agriculture: the Case of Microcredit Programmes in Bangladesh. |
Mark M. Pitt Professor of Economics Brown University, USA |
00-00-1991 |
00-00-1992 |
19604 |
Targeting Vulnerable Small Farm Households in Bangladesh |
Alastair Orr Farming Systems Economist Natural Resources Institute, UK |
19605 |
Single Vs. Multiple Input Adjustments and the Economic Efficiency of Farmers: an Application to Rural Bangladesh. |
Najma R. Sharif
Department of Economics, Saint Mary's University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada |
19606 |
Effects of Insecticides on Sugarcane Termites in Modhupur Tract |
M. N. ALAM Scientific Officer Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute (BSRI), Ishurdi, Pabna. |
00-00-2006 |
00-00-2007 |
19607 |
Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Quality of BRRI Dhan29 |
MAA Mamun Senior Scientific Officer Farm Management Division, BRRI |
00-00-2008 |
00-00-2009 |
19608 |
Command Area Development of Shallow Tubewell by Providing Different Conveyance System |
MS Rahan Scientific officer Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur-1701 |
00-01-2007 |
00-00-2008 |
19609 |
Modification and Evaluation of a Power Weeder for Bangladesh Condition |
MA Hossen Senior Scientific Officer FMPHT Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur |
22-10-2012 |
30-12-2013 |
19610 |
Preparation of Jelly and Chutney from Sapota (achras Zapota) |
T Ahmed Production Manager Ajimoto Bangladesh Ltd. |
00-00-2011 |
00-00-2012 |
19611 |
Impact of Lined Canal on Shallow Tubewell Irrigation and Their Acceptability by the Farmers |
Abu Sayed Assitt. Professor Department of Agricultural Engineering, Exim Bank Agricultural University; |
00-00-2010 |
00-00-2011 |
19612 |
A Survey on Poultry Litter Management System in Different Poultry Farms of Bangladesh |
M S Hossain
Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC), Kustia |
00-01-2011 |
00-05-2011 |
19613 |
Cone Penetration Resistance of BRRI Rice Bed Soil |
MA Hossain Scientific Officer Workshop Machinery and Maintenance Division,Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gagipur-1701 |
12-06-2008 |
30-04-2009 |
19614 |
Processing of Green Mango by Drying and Pickling |
MA Hossain Scientific Officer Workshop Machinery and Maintenance Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gagipur-1701 |
13-02-2008 |
00-00-2009 |
19615 |
Preservative Treatment of Two Bamboo Species by Steaming and Quenching and Pressure Impregnation Methods |
M. Younus-uzzamam Research Assistant Wood Preservation Division, Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box – 273, Chittagong-4000, Bangladesh. |
19616 |
Response of Groundnut to Chemical and Bio Fertilizers at Char Areas. |
M. A. Rahman Principal Scientific Officer and Head Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2014 |
19617 |
Utilization of By-products Produced in the Sawmills and Furniture Marts |
Mohammed Mahfuzur Rahman
Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh. |
19618 |
Characterization for Salinity Tolerance of BRRI Dhan28-saltol Introgression Lines at Seedling Stage |
Md. Sazzadur Rahman Senior Scientific Officer Plant Physiology Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) |
00-12-2012 |
00-01-2013 |
19619 |
Callus Induction and Regeneration of Indica Rice from Seed |
Nilufer Hye Karim Chief Scientific Officer and Head Biotechnology Division
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
Gazipur-1701 |
19620 |
A Study on Exploitation of Various Fuel Sources in Rural Bangladesh and Their Impact on Soil Environment |
S. S. Parul
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur |
00-09-1996 |
00-12-1996 |