13201 |
Use of Tree Leaf as Mulch Comparing with Conventional Mulch for Irrigation Water Saving in Tomato Production |
Md. Abiar Rahman
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibar Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur 1706, Bangladesh. |
00-11-2006 |
00-04-2007 |
13202 |
Genetic Variability in Pigeonpea (cajanus Cajan L. Millspaugh) |
Department of Agronomy, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur 1706, Bangladesh. |
00-10-2002 |
13203 |
Wheat Rust Surveillance in Bangladesh |
P. K. Malaker
Wheat Research Centre, BARI |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2014 |
13204 |
Physico-chemical Characteristics and Antioxidant Assay of Tomato (lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) Germplasm Available in the South Western Region of Bangladesh |
Md. Mazidul Islam Talukder
Agrotechnology Discipline, Life Science School, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh |
00-12-2012 |
00-05-2013 |
13205 |
Temporal Variation in Seed Quality of Mung Bean Preserved in Different Seed Containers |
M. Rokuzzaman Director Gurpukur, Satkhira, Bangladesh |
00-07-2004 |
00-07-2004 |
13206 |
Yield Performance of Exotic / Local Soybean Genotypes Under Salinity Stress |
M. A. Mannan
Department of Agronomy, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali. |
00-11-2007 |
00-03-2008 |
13207 |
Evaluation of Jackfruit Germplasm |
M. J. Rahman
01-07-2001 |
13208 |
Photosynthetic Gas Exchange Characteristics, Leaf Area and Dry Matter Accumulation of Two Blackgram Cultivars |
D.K. Biswas
Department of Agronomy, BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur-1703, Bangladesh. |
00-00-1999 |
00-00-1999 |
13209 |
Influence of Plant Population Density on Growth and Yield of Two Blackgram Varieties |
D.K. Biswas
Department of Agronomy, BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur-1703, Bangladesh. |
00-00-1999 |
00-00-1999 |
13210 |
Varietal Performance: Morphology, Phenology Yield and Yield Attributes in Blackgram (vigna Mungo (l.) Hepper) |
M. S. Hassan
Agronomy Division Bangladesh Agricultural Research institute (BARI)
Joydebpur, Gazipur -1701
00-00-1992 |
00-00-1992 |
13211 |
Plant Biodiversity and Its Distribution Pattern Around the Homestead Pondsite |
N. S. Sarmin Lecturer Department of Agroforestry and Environment, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh. |
00-03-2007 |
00-06-2007 |
13212 |
Monitoring in International Disease Trap Nurseries of Wheat |
K. Mustarin
Wheat Research Centre, BARI |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2014 |
13213 |
Efficacy of Fungicides in Controlling Bipolaris Leaf Blight and Leaf Rust of Wheat |
M. M. A. Reza
Wheat Research Centre, BARI |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2014 |
13214 |
Evaluation of Wheat Genotypes for Resistance to Leaf Rust Under Inoculated Condition. |
M. M. A. Reza
Wheat Research Centre, BARI |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2014 |
13215 |
Survey on the Diseases of Jackfruit and Some Aspects of Control Measures for Gummosis Disease in Bangladesh |
M. A. Rahman
Plant Pathology Section, Horticulture Research Centre, BARI, Gazipur - 1701. |
00-00-2009 |
00-00-2011 |
13216 |
Stem Rust Resistance Screening Nursery of Wheat |
M. S. Hossain
Wheat Research Centre, BARI |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2014 |
13217 |
Performance Evaluation of Ten Japanese Brinjal (solanum Melongena L.) Varieties |
H. Mehraj
Department of Horticulture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
00-02-2013 |
00-08-2013 |
13218 |
Effect of Different Levels of Nitrogen and Transplanting Depth on Growth and Yield of BRRI Dhan50 |
M. A. Mahmud
Department of Agronomy, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207 |
00-11-2010 |
00-04-2011 |
13219 |
Evaluation of Japanese Bunching Onion Lines at Sher-e-bangla Agricultural University |
A.F.M. Jamal Uddin
Department of Horticulture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh |
00-12-2011 |
00-05-2012 |
13220 |
Evaluation of Arsenic Accumulation by Colocasia Esculenta (kochu) from Soil |
M.I. MANIRUL Scientifc Officer Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Bangladesh |
00-07-2012 |
00-10-2012 |