26701 |
Genetic Divergence for Yield and Its Components in Rice (oryza Sativa L.) |
R .K. Das
Plant Breeding Division
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
Gazipur |
26702 |
Preparation of Compost from Water-hyacinth and Its Effect on the Rice and Jute Emergence and Seedling Growth in Some Soils of Bangladesh |
Department of Soil Science, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh |
26703 |
M.R. Islam
Fibre Quality Improvement Division, BJRI. |
00-06-2013 |
26704 |
Genetic Variability and Path Analysis in Cucumber (cucumis Satlvus L.) |
M. S. Islam
Horticulture Research Center
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute'
Gazipur |
01-02-1988 |
31-05-1988 |
26705 |
Production of Truthfully Level Seed (tls) of Jaf Crops and Distribution Among the Farmers for Fibre and Seed Production. |
M .M. Hussain
Fibre Quality improvement Division, BJRI. |
00-05-2013 |
00-03-2014 |
26706 |
Flora of Sher-e-bangla Agricultural University |
M.S. Islam
Department of Horticulture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
00-08-2011 |
00-10-2012 |
26707 |
General Combining Ability Effects and Heterotic Patterns in Early Maize (zea Mays L.) Synthetics |
K. M. Kabir
Plant Breeding Division, BARI, Gazipur, Bangladesh |
26708 |
A Study on Strength Properties of White-cement |
Md. Fazlul Hoque
Agril. Engineer, Dept. of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Khamarbari, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
00-01-2008 |
00-06-2008 |
26709 |
Realized Heritability and Genetic Gains in Lentil |
A. Sarker
Pulses Research Centre
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Gazipur |
26710 |
Influence of Plow Pan on Soil Physical Properties and the Yield of Rice and Maize. |
Department of Soil Science, BAU, Mymensingh |
00-00-1989 |
00-00-1990 |
26711 |
Response of Br11 Rice to 15n- Labelled Azolla and Urea Incorporated in Boro Season |
Department of Soil Science, BAU, Mymensingh |
26712 |
Effect of Anthraquinone in Kraft and Soda Pulping of Bagasse |
P. Das Research Assistant Pulp and paper Division, Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 273, Chittagong 4000, Bangladesh. |
00 |
26713 |
Evaluation of Six Blotter Techniques for Detection of the Major Fungal Pathogens in Jute Seeds |
Department of Plant Pathology, BAU, Mymensingh |
26714 |
Structural Attributes of Soil Under Rice-based Cropping Pattern in the Ganges-kobadak Project Area of Bangladesh. |
M. H. Rahman
Department of Soil Science, Dhaka University , Dhaka. |
26715 |
Genotypical Evaluation of Major Pests on Lentil and Lablab Bean |
Department of Entomology, BAU, Mymensingh |
28-11-1989 |
00-00-1990 |
26716 |
Farmers' Perception on Jackfruit Borer, (diaphania Caesalis) and Its Management |
A.K.M.Z. Rahman Scientific Officer Entomology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, BARI, Gazipur-1701 |
00-00-2002 |
00-00-2004 |
26717 |
Biochemical Studies on Lablab Bean |
Department of Biochemistry, BAU, Mymensingh |
00-09-1989 |
00-04-1990 |
26718 |
Effect of Old Jute Seed on Growth and Fibre Yield of Jute. |
M.A. Khan
Fibre Quality Improvement Division, BJRI. |
00-04-2013 |
00-08-2013 |
26719 |
Survey on Cultivation Area of Different Variety of Tossa and Deshi Jute in Different Jute Growing Regions. |
M.A. Khan
Fibre Quality Improvement Division, BJRI. |
26720 |
Effect of Nitrogen Rate on Breeder Seed Production of Rice (oryza Sativa L.) |
MHK Baktiar
Genetic Resources and Seed Division (GRSD), Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh. |
00-00-2006 |
00-00-2007 |