26651 |
Genetic Divergence in Groundnut (arachis Hypogaea L) .. |
M. S. Islam Scientific Officer, Oil seeds Breeding, R A R S, Jessore |
26652 |
Residual Effects of Deep Tillage on the Yield and Nutrient (npk) Uptake by Rice |
S. M. Rahman
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, P. O. Box 4. Mymensingh |
00-00-1983 |
00-00-1985 |
26653 |
Combining Ability for Yield and Component Characters in Rice |
P. K. Shaha Ray,
Plant Breeding Division
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
Joydebpur. Gazipur |
26654 |
Morphology, Micromorphology and Mineralogy of a Pedon of Sara Soil Series (fluvaquentic Endoaquept) |
S. M. F. Rabbi
Corresponding authority, Soil Science Discipline, Khuln a University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh. |
26655 |
Tillage Effect on Aggregate Size Distribution, Seedling Emergence and Yield of Wheat |
M. Amin
On-Farm Research Division, BARI, Noakhali |
00-12-1994 |
00-03-1995 |
26656 |
Residual Effect of Applied Phosphorus Fertilizers on Rice Production |
A. L. Shah
Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur 1701 |
00-00-2000 |
26657 |
Sulphur and Zinc Interactions in Relation to Nutrient Concentrations and Yields of Wheat, Rice and Mungbean. |
M. N. Islam
Department of Soil Science, Sher-e-Bangia Agricultural University, Sher-e- e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 |
26658 |
Soda-anthraquinone and Low Sulphidity Kraft Anthraquinone Pulping of Muli Bamboo (melocanna Baccifera) and Mixed Wood in a Mixture. |
Dr. K. Bhowmick Assistant Chemist (R&D). Research and Development, karnaphuli Paper Mills Ltd., chandraghona, Rangamati Hill District, Bangladesh.
, , |
26659 |
Alkaline Pulping of Paraserianthes Falcataria with Anthraquinone as an Additive |
Mr. A. R. Chowdhury Research Assistant Pulp and paper Division, Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 273, Chittagong 4000, Bangladesh |
26660 |
Effect of Fertilizer and Irrigation on the Yield of Wheat at the G. K. Project Area. |
A. A. Sarkar
BINA, Agri-varsity campus, Mymensingh |
01-11-1985 |
30-04-1986 |
26661 |
Performance of Rice-duck Farming on Weed and Insect Control, Grain Yield and Economic Return |
G.J.U. Ahmed
Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur |
00-03-2003 |
00-06-2003 |
26662 |
Interaction-uptake of K, Ca and Mg Studied Interaction-uptake of K, Ca and Mg Studied by Split Root Technique by Split Root Technique |
S. M. A. Faiz
Department of Soil Science, University of Dhaka |
26663 |
Performance of Paired Row Sugarcane with Some High Valued Crops as First and Mungbean as Second Intercrop Under Madhupur Tracts Soils |
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh |
00-00-2007 |
00-00-2008 |
26664 |
Precast Ferro Cement Channel Sections as an Alternative for Channel Lining in Private Sector Irrigation of Bangladesh |
A. A. Hassan
Agricultural Engineering Division Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, P. O. Box 4, Mymensingh-2200, Bangladesh. |
01-06-1994 |
30-06-2004 |
26665 |
Genetic Diversity in Upland Cotton (g. Hirsutum L.) |
A. K. M. R. Alarn Scientific Officer, Cotton Development Board, Khamarbari, Dhaka. |
26666 |
Development of Infiltration Equation Using Field Data from Border Irrigation System |
M.N. Islam
Department of Irrigation and Water Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh |
01-01-1998 |
31-12-1998 |
26667 |
Effects of Trash Mulching Associated with Fungicide and Urea Spraying on First Ratoon Cane Production |
M.A. Hasan
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh |
00-00-2008 |
00-00-2009 |
26668 |
Nitrogen Fertilizer Management for Higher Efficiency in Wetland Rice |
N. I. Bhuiyan
Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur 1701. |
00-00-1984 |
00-00-1988 |
26669 |
Effect of New Chemical Insecticides Against Against Jute Hairy Caterpillar. |
Dr. Nazrul Islam
Entomology Department, BJRI. |
00-04-2013 |
00-07-2013 |
26670 |
Agrochemical Use and Extent of Environmental Contamination in Bangladesh: a Review |
A. A. Hassan
Chief Scientific Officer and Head, Agricultural Engineering Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh. |
01-01-1997 |
31-12-1997 |