29801 |
Effect of Application of Phosphorus, Zinc and Molybdenum on Yield and Nutritional Quality of Grasspea (lathyrus Sativus L.) Seed |
M.T. Hossain
Department of Biochemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh |
17-11-2003 |
20-04-2004 |
29802 |
Root Development, Nutrient Uptake and Yield Performance of Soybean as Influenced by Phosphorus Fertilization |
M. Altab Hossain
Agronomy Division Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701 Bangladesh |
00-00-1999 |
00-00-2001 |
29803 |
Performance of Some Selected Sugarcane Varieties in Farmers Field Condition Under Tista Meander Floodplain Soils |
M. N. Kashem
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh. |
01-11-2004 |
31-12-2005 |
29804 |
Performance of Some Elite Summer Tomato Mutants at the Northern Region of Bangladesh |
M.M.A. Monda
Crop Physiology Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture,
Mymensingh |
12-11-2001 |
32-04-2002 |
29805 |
Effect of Double Transplanting on the Productivity of Transplanted Aman and Boro Rice Under T. Aman-boro Cropping Systems |
ABMJ Isalm Scientific Officer Rice Farming Systems, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701 |
01-07-2011 |
30-07-2012 |
29806 |
Yield of Transplant Aman Rice as Affected by Cultivars, Depth of Transplanting and Sources of Nitrogenous Fer,tilizer |
M.A.R. Sarkar
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
12-08-1999 |
23-12-1999 |
29807 |
Study on Flowering Pattern of 15 Groundnut Genotypes |
P. Sarker
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh. |
00-00-2000 |
00-00-2001 |
29808 |
Performance of Hybrid Rice (sonarbangla 1) as Influenced by Row Spacing and Nitrogen Fertilization |
M.Z. Rahman
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh |
00-07-2003 |
13-11-2003 |
29809 |
Micro Credit: an Experience of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited |
M.A. Habib
Department of Agricultural Finance, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh |
15-03-2004 |
20-12-2004 |
29810 |
Effect of Different Carbamate Insecticides in Controlling Early Shoot Borer and on the Yield of Sugarcane |
M. A. Rahman
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh. |
01-11-2003 |
31-12-2004 |
29811 |
Variations in Salinity Tolerance of Selected Mango Rootstocks |
R. K. Roy M.S. Student in Horticulture Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh |
00-07-2011 |
00-03-2013 |
29812 |
Genetic Variability, Correlation, Path Coefficient and Genetic Divergence of 15 Groundnut Genotypes |
P. Sarker
Soil Resources Development Institute, Mymensingh |
12-11-2000 |
09-05-2001 |
29813 |
Osmoregulation in Higher Plants: Effects of Naci Salinity on Non-nodulated Phaseolus Aureus L. I. Growth and Mineral Content |
Dr. S. M. lmamul Huq Professor Department of Soil Science, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
29814 |
Effect of Irrigation and Nitrogen on the Yield and Quality of Wheat Under Non-calcareous Dark-gray Floodplain Soil |
M.S Islam
On-farm Research Division (OFRD), Barind Station, Rajshahi, Bangladesh |
00-11-2000 |
00-03-2001 |
29815 |
Survey of Plant Parasitic Nematodes of Sugarcane in Bangladesh |
M. Iqbal
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh. |
01-01-1998 |
31-12-1999 |
29816 |
Resource Exploitation for Irrigated Boro Rice Cultivation Under Favourable Production Environments |
M.M.R. Sarker
Department of Agricultural Statistics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
23-11-1998 |
29817 |
Study on the Mineralogy of the Old Brahmaputra Floodplain Soils |
Department of Soil Science Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh |
29818 |
Effect of Spacing on P and Zn Uptake of Local T. Aman Rice Varieties in Khulna Area |
S. Parvin Lecturer Agriculture Studies, Govt. Bangabandhu College, Rupsha , Khulna |
29819 |
Effect of Planting Date, Seedling Age and Variety on the Yield and Yield Components of Late Transplant Aman Rice in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh |
K.P. Halder
Farm Management Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh |
15-07-1994 |
20-02-1995 |
29820 |
Effect of Mulch and Mustard Oil Cake on Growth and Yield of Potato |
Department of Horticulture
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh |
00-11-1999 |
00-02-2000 |