29301 |
Factors Influencing Agricultural Knowledge of the Selected Groups of Proshika Manobic Unnayan Kendra in a Coastal Area of Noakhali District |
M. Sekender Ali
Department of Agricultural Extension Bangladesh Agricultural Institute Sher-e-Bangia Nagar
Dhaka |
10-10-1994 |
23-12-1994 |
29302 |
Aspects of Production and Partitioning of Dry Matter in Wheat-a Reveiw |
A. M. A. Kamal
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymenslngh |
10-10-1990 |
25-02-1991 |
29303 |
Field Performance of Treadle Pumps in Char Nilokhy a Union of Mymensingh District |
M. A. Mojid
Department of Irrigation and Water Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh |
09-04-1995 |
07-05-1995 |
29304 |
Growth and Yield of Wheat as Affected by Planting Method and Variety in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh |
K.P. Halder
Farm Management Division
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) Joydebpur, Gazipur- 1701, Bangladesh. |
00-11-1994 |
00-03-1995 |
29305 |
Effect of Sowing Time and Seed Rate on the Yield of Barley |
S. Begum
Training and Communication Section Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701
Bangladesh |
00-00-1994 |
00-00-1995 |
29306 |
Effects of Common Vetch (vicia Sativa) on Some Haematologic and Biochemic Aspects of Rats |
M. R. Islam
Animal Health Research Division, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka-1341, Bangladesh |
29307 |
Losses to Stored Rice Casused by Rice Weevil and Angoumois Grain Moth, and Their Control in Bangladesh |
Md, Ismail Miah Bhuiyah
Entomology Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Joydebpur Gazipur. |
01-07-1981 |
30-07-1982 |
29308 |
Phenotypic and Genotypic Correlation and Path Analysis in Spring Wheat |
J.C. Pandit
Department of Agronomy Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh. |
00-00-1995 |
00-00-1996 |
29309 |
Effects of Aqueous Extraction of Rice Bran on Its Performance as a Bread Ingredient |
M. Shams-Ud-Din
Department of Food Technology & Rural Industries. Bangladesh Agricultural University
Bangladesh |
29310 |
Small-scale Broiler Rearing as an Income Generating Activity for Hard-core Women in Rural Bangladesh |
M. A. Saleque
Programme Support Enterprise, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, BRAC Building, Mohakhali, Dhaka |
01-05-2001 |
30-04-2003 |
29311 |
Impact of Plowing on Soil Moisture Conservation in Rice Field |
H. R. Molla
Irrigation and Water Management Division Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Gazipur |
12-07-1997 |
20-12-1997 |
29312 |
A Study of Flower Production and Abscission in Country Bean (lablab Purpureus) |
M.S.A. Fakir
Department of Crop Botany, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
05-05-1997 |
30-12-1997 |
29313 |
Crop-livestock Farming Systems Research in Bangladesh: Evaluation, Impacts and Constraints |
M. Mafizul Islam
System Research Division, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka-1341, Bangladesh |
06-06-2001 |
07-06-2001 |
29314 |
Effects of Storage Temperature and Time on the Reconstitution of Dried Sword Fish, Lepturacanthus Savala |
A.K. Saha
Institute of Food & Radiation Biology Atomic Energy Research Establishment G.P.O. Box- 3787
Dhaka, Bangladesh |
29315 |
Response of Wheat to Application of Zing |
M. Giasuddin. Miah
On Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur. Gazipur. |
00-11-1985 |
00-03-1986 |
29316 |
Effect of Irrigation Regimes and Nitrogen Levels on the Performance of Maize |
S. M. Shirazi
Farming Systems and Environmental Studies Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh |
27-12-1997 |
08-05-1998 |
29317 |
Submergence Tolerance Rice Varieties and Their Management Option for Northwestern Region of Bangladesh |
AJ Mridha
Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute |
00-00-2008 |
00-00-2009 |
29318 |
New Marketing System of Fertilizer in Bangladesh : an Evaluation |
M.H.A. Rashid
Department of Agricultural Economics
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Bangladesh |
29319 |
Environmental Behaviour of 14c Chlorpyrifos in Model Rice Ecosystem |
A I Mahbub
Department of Agricultural Chemistry Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh |
11-08-1996 |
21-12-1996 |
29320 |
Causes and Consequences of Factors Associated with Agricultural Knowledge of the Farmers |
M.B. Ahmed
Hajee Mohammed Danesh Agricultural College
Basherhat Dinajpur Bangladesh |