12651 |
Evaluation of Test Cross of Field Corn Hybrids |
A. Ahmed
Plant Breeding Division, BARI |
00-00-2014 |
00-00-2015 |
12652 |
Evaluation of Custard Apple Germplasm |
M. J. Rahman
00-00-2007 |
00-00-2013 |
12653 |
Variation of Wheat Cultivars in Their Response to Elevated Temperature on Starch and Dry Matter Accumulation in Grain |
Soyema Khatun
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Salna, Gazipur 1706, Bangladesh |
00-11-2013 |
00-04-2014 |
12654 |
Study on Virus-vector Relationship in Tylcv of Tomato |
M. H. Rashid Principal Scientific Officer Pulses Research Centre, BARI, Ishurdi, Pabna |
00-00-2000 |
00-00-2001 |
12655 |
Combining Ability and Heterosis Study in Maize (set Ii) |
Plant Pathology Division, BARI |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2015 |
12656 |
Combining Ability and Heterosis of Maize Inbred Lines Evaluated in Three Environments (set I) |
S. Ahmed
Plant Breeding Division, BARI |
00-00-2014 |
00-00-2015 |
12657 |
Evaluation of Test Cross Hybrids of Pop Corn Through North Carolina Design Ii (set Iv) |
Plant Breeding Division, BARI |
00-00-2014 |
00-00-2015 |
12658 |
Productivity of Lentil-mungbean Sequential Intercropping in Paired Row Sugarcane |
M. J. Alam Principal Scientific Officer Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh |
00-00-2008 |
00-00-2010 |
12659 |
Effect of Fertilizers and Irrigation on Growth and Yield of Kohlrabi |
M. R. Bahadur Upazilla Agriculture Officer Rajapur, Jhalakati, Department of Agriculture Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh |
00-11-2005 |
00-02-2006 |
12660 |
Phosphorus Management Effects on P Fractions in Soils as Nutrition for Rice |
S. K. N. Uddin
Department of Soil Science, BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh |
31-03-2013 |
12661 |
Contribution of Boron Doses on Growth and Yield of Different Broccoli Genotypes |
M. Islam Scientific Officer Hill Agricultural Research Station, Raikhali, Rangamati Hill District, Bangladesh |
00-10-2012 |
00-02-2013 |
12662 |
Effect of Spacing on the Yield and Yield Attributes of Transplanted Aman Rice Cultivation in Medium Lowland Ecosystemof Bangladesh |
Md. Jashim Uddin
Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh |
00-00-2008 |
00-00-2008 |
12663 |
Development of Convergent Crosses in Brassica Rapa |
M K Alam
Oilseed Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701. |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2013 |
12664 |
Management of the Root-knot Nematode of Tomato by Inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi |
R. Momotaz Scientific Officer Plant Pathology Division, BARI, Bangladesh |
12665 |
Bio-fertilizer and Weeding Regimes Effect on Yield and Yield Attributes of Summer Mungbean |
J. K. Pramanik
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh |
00-02-2010 |
00-06-2010 |
12666 |
Assessment of Allelopathic Potential of Different Weeds on Germination and Early Growth of Aromatic Rice |
Monira Yasmin
Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. |
12667 |
Marketing System and Market Integration of Different Egg Markets in Bangladesh |
M.I. Omar Scientific officer Agricultural Economics Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydevpur, Gazipur-1701. |
12668 |
Problems and Prospects of Weather Index Based Crop Insurance for Rural Farmers in Bangladesh |
Shahadat Hossain
Department of Finance & Banking, University of Chittagong, BangladeshWarocque Research Centre, University of Mons, Belgium |
12669 |
The Challenges of Food Security in South Asia: Understanding It’s Dynamics with Reference to Bangladesh |
Md. Kamal Uddin
PhD Candidate, Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong & Assistant professor (on study leave), Department of International Relations, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. |
12670 |
Profitability Analysis of Poultry Farming in Bangladesh: a Case Study on Trishal Upazilla in Mymensingh District |
Mohammad Shafiur Rahman Chowdhury Lecturer Department of Accounting, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh |
00-10-2014 |
00-10-2014 |