27701 |
A Comparative Study of the Wool Quallity of Romney and Perendale Graded Sheep |
M.M. Rahman
Department of GeneraI Animal Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
00-10-1980 |
27702 |
Study on Groundnut Rows Grown in Association with Normal and Paired Row of Maize |
M. A. Karim
Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur. |
00-02-1987 |
00-06-1987 |
27703 |
Evaluation of Soil Test Methods for Phosphorus and Its Critical Limit for Wheat in Some Soils of Bangladesh |
M.Q. Haque
Soil Science Division, BINA, Mymensingh |
27704 |
Effect of Harvest Fruit Storage Period on Seed Quality of Pumpkin |
Seed Technology Division, BARI, Gazipur |
00-00-2014 |
00-00-2015 |
27705 |
Performance of Different Varieties and a Mutant Line of Mustard Under Late Sowing Conditions in a Coastal Area of Bangladesh |
A. K. Qazi
Patuakhali Agricultural College, Patuakhali |
00-00-1991 |
00-00-1994 |
27706 |
Studies on the Protein Solubility of Defatted Sunflower Seed Meal |
M. M. Rahman
Department of Crop Botany,
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
27707 |
Effect of Submergence on Zinc, Iron, Manganese and Copper Availability in Bangladesh Soils |
M. Jahiruddin
Department of Soil Science Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. |
27708 |
Factors Influencing Grain Number Per Ear in Wheat - a Review |
A. M. A. Kamal
Department of Agronomy
Bangladesh Agriculrural University
Mymensingh. |
27709 |
Irrigation and Phosphorus Fertilization on the Grwth, Yield, and Nutrient Uptake of Maize |
M. Ahmed
Department of Irrigation & Water Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. |
01-01-1978 |
30-04-1978 |
27710 |
Stephanofilariasis (humpsore) in Cattle of Bangladesh 1. Incidence of Humpsore in Different Districts and Geographical Areas of Bangladesh. |
A. W. M.Shamsul Islam
Department of Parasitology
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh. |
27711 |
Response of Potato to Irrigation at Varying Nitrogen Levels |
M.S. K han Senior Scientific Officer BARI, Joydebpur |
27712 |
Effect of Leaf Clipping and Nitrogen on Yield and Quality of Wheat (triticum Vulgare) |
M. N. Huq
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensigh - 2202 |
00-12-1972 |
00-04-1973 |
27713 |
In-situ Studies of Water Transmission Properties of a Sandy Loam Soil of Old Himalayan Piedmont Plant |
M.I. Khalil
Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
P.O. Box-4, Mymensingh-2200. |
00-00-1994 |
00-00-1995 |
27714 |
A Study of Changing Leadership Pattern in Some Selected Villages of Mymensingh District |
Rafiqun-Nessa Ali
Department of Rural Sociology
Bangdladesh Agricultural University.
Mymensingh |
27715 |
Soil Specific Nutrient Need Identification for Cotton |
Z Islam
Division of Soil Science, BARI, Gazipur |
27716 |
Embryo Sac Development in Momordica |
Sekandar H. Cbowdhury
Assistant Seed Cane Agronomist, Setabgonj Sugar Mill. |
27717 |
Pattern of Consumer Expenditure in Mymensingh Town - a Study Using Panel Data |
M. N. Rahman
Deperrnent of Co-operation and Marketing
Bangladesh Agricultural University Myrnensingh |
08-01-1973 |
05-03-1973 |
27718 |
Soil Moisture Stress and the Growth and Yield of Field Crops with Emphasis on Groundnut |
M.A. R. Sarkar
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh Bangladesh |
27719 |
Effect of Different Levels of Npk and Seed Rate on the Yield of Sesame |
A. M. A. Kamal
Derartrnent of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
27720 |
Notes on the Effect of Cultural Practices and Different Sources of Organic Matter on Rice Cultivars |
M. N. H. Khan
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
26-08-1972 |
00-12-1972 |