27851 |
Effect of Fertilizers and Dates of Planting on the Incidence of Blackleg and Soft Rot of Potato |
M. Hossain
Department of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
00-04-1981 |
27852 |
Opinion of Adults for Organization of Youth Club |
A.B.M.N. Anwar
Department of Agricullurat Extension & T.T., Bangladesh Agricultural University. Mymensingh. |
20-01-1970 |
28-02-1970 |
27853 |
Correlation and Path Analyses in Parents and F3 of Brassica Juncea X B. Campestris |
Modan K. Das
Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh |
01-01-1979 |
12-11-1979 |
27854 |
Use of Communication Sources by the Irri Rice Growers |
Md. Mahfuzul Huque
Department of Agricultural Extension and Teachers' Training,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
27855 |
Effect of Water Stress on Growth, Yield and Yield Contributing Characters of Transplanted Aman Rice |
Md. Jamil Chowdhury Former MS Student Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh |
00-08-2001 |
00-12-2001 |
27856 |
A Review on Serum Transferrin ( β - Globulin ) Types and Production Traits in Animals |
M. F. Rahman
Department of Physiolology, Banglldadesh Agricultural University. MymenllAgh. |
00-00-1988 |
00-00-1988 |
27857 |
Effect of Succinic Acid 2, 2-dimethylhydrazide on the Growth and Development of Bottle Gourd. |
M. N. Islam
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
00-00-1972 |
00-00-1973 |
27858 |
Response of Rice to Sulphur and Zinc Fertilization |
A. Hossain
Department of Soil Science,
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh |
15-05-1983 |
07-09-1983 |
27859 |
Evaluation of N2 Fixation Ability and Biomass Production of Some Legume Trees in Bangladesh |
M. A. Haque
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture P. O. Box 4, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. |
00-00-1995 |
00-00-1996 |
27860 |
The Effect of Nitrogen Sources on the Growth of Macrophomina Phaseoli, Botryodiplodla Theobromae and Colletotrichum Corchori |
H. U. Ahmed
Principal Sugarcane Pathologist. Sugarcane Research Institute, Iswardi, Pabna, Bangladesh. |
27861 |
Effects of Spacings of Castor Plant on Growth and Developmen of Eri-silkworm (p. Ricini Hutt.). |
M A. Haque
Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymsnsingh |
01-05-1985 |
31-05-1985 |
27862 |
Correlation Studies in Tobacco ( Nicotiana Tabacum L.) |
Md. Amirul Islam
Department of Crop Botany,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
27863 |
Identification of Adulterated Fertilizers at Farm Level. |
Dr. Gazi M. Zainal Abedin Senior Scientific Officer Central Lab, Soil Resource Development Institute, Mrittika Bhaban, Dhaka-1215. |
120,000 |
01-01-2008 |
30-05-2010 |
27864 |
A Study on the Food and Feeding of Rohtee Cotio (ham) |
Md. Mohsin Ali
Department of Aquiculture and Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensing |
01-09-1980 |
28-02-1981 |
27865 |
Chemical Control of Sunnbemp Hairy Caterpillar, Agrina Syringa Cr |
M. A. Sardar
Department of Entomology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. |
27866 |
Use of Granular Insecticides in Controlling Rice Stem Borer Tryporyza Incertulas (walker) |
Syed Bazlul Huq
Department of Entomology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
01-04-1969 |
31-12-1969 |
27867 |
Effect of Zinc and Sulphur on the Yield of Rice |
F. A. Choudhury
Department of Soil Science,
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh |
27868 |
Stability Analysis for Comparing Different Varieties/genotypes of Tomato |
S. Roy
Plant Breeding Division
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, P.O. Box- 4, Mymensingh- 2200. |
00-00-1995 |
00-00-1997 |
27869 |
Notes on the Bionomics and Development of Sitotroga Cerealellal Olivier (lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in Stored Rice. |
M. Shahjahan
Institute of Nuclear Agriculture,
Agricultural Uniuersity Campus, Mymensingh. |
27870 |
A Study on the Role of Honeybee in Pollinating Mustard and Sunflower |
G. P. Das
Division of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
09-11-1982 |
31-12-1983 |