27901 |
Effect of Split Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Boo Rice Genotypes |
Md. Saiful Islam Former MS Student Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh
23-12-2002 |
25-05-2003 |
27902 |
Evaluation of Local Pummelo Germplasm at Jaintiapur, Sylhet |
S. M. L. Rahman Senior Scientific Officer Citrus Research Station, Jaintiapur, Sylhet |
22000/- |
00-00-2010 |
00-00-2014 |
27903 |
Comparative Performance of Pummel Germplasm at Rars Ishurdi |
M. Faruk Hossain Senior Scientific Officer Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ishurdi, Pabna |
15000/- |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2014 |
27904 |
Effect of Salinity on Growth and Yield of Wheat |
Mohammad Lal Miah Former MS Student Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh
00-12-2002 |
00-03-2003 |
27905 |
Effect of Fungicides, Soil Amendment, Plant Extract and Sanitation on Late Blight of Winter Tomato |
R. S. Mili M. S. Student Department of Plant Pathology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh-2202 |
10-10-2006 |
31-03-2007 |
27906 |
Heterosis in Some Quantitative Characters in Fl Hybrid Rice |
C. A. Razzaque
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Myrnensingh, |
27907 |
Effects of Split Application of Urea Fertilizer on Growth, Yield and Yield Contributing Characters of Rice Cultivars |
Md. Mosiur Rahman Former MS Student Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh
00-12-2002 |
00-06-2003 |
27908 |
A Study on the Distribution of Lumbar Spinal Nerves in Black Bengal Goat |
M. K. Anam .
Department of Anatomy & Histology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh |
27909 |
The Growth and Yield of Wheat as Affected by N, P and S Fertilizers |
M.I .AIi
Bangladesh, Institute of NUclear Agriculture Mymensingh. |
27910 |
Biological Study of the Tortoise Beetle. Aspidomorpha Dorsata Fabricius (chrysomelidae : Coleoptera) |
G. P. Das
Division of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
01-02-1983 |
30-06-1983 |
27911 |
Variability Studies for Grain Yield and Other Morpho-physiological Characters in Different F2 Populations of Bread Wheat Crosses |
M.A. Malek
Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh-2200. |
00-11-1992 |
00-04-1993 |
27912 |
The Antifeedant and Growth Disrupting Effects of Two Indigenous Plant Extracts on Epilachna Dodecastigma Muls |
K. S. Islam
Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
27913 |
Variability and Character Association in Tomato |
M. S. Alam
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding
Banqladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh, Bangladesh. |
27914 |
A Study on Rainfall Pattern of Bangladesh |
M. S. U. Talukder
Department of Irrigation & Water Management, Bengladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. |
00-00-1965 |
00-00-1980 |
27915 |
Shallow Tube-well Irrigatlon in Bangladesh |
Md. Sazzad Hossain
Department of Geology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
01-01-1978 |
30-06-1979 |
27916 |
Potassium Release and Depletion Behaviour in Several Soils of Bangladesh |
M. S. Islam
Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2200. |
00-01-1995 |
00-12-1995 |
27917 |
Effect of Irrigation and Cultivar on the Yield and Quality of Potato |
M. Shamsuddin
Department of Agronomy
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh. |
00-11-1976 |
00-02-1977 |
27918 |
Studies of Some Lentil Under Water Stress Condition |
Md. Abdul Kader Helali Former MS Student Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh
00-11-2000 |
00-02-2001 |
27919 |
Effect of Azolla and Urea on Br11 Rice Under Sub- Tropical Conditions in Bangladesh |
A. K. M. Azmal
Soil Chemistry Division, BRRI, Jovdebpur, Dhaka |
27920 |
Effects of Rhizobium Inoculum, Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Yield Contributing Characters of Soybean |
M. S. A. Fakir
Department of Crop Botany, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
01-11-1983 |
30-04-1984 |