28101 |
Effect of Planting Methods on Grain Yield of Aus +deepwater Rice Mixed Cropping |
M. H. Ali
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh |
00-00-1984 |
00-00-1985 |
28102 |
Estimation of Growing Degree Days and Solar Radiation Use Efficiency in Mustard and Wheat |
Dr. Rina Rani Saha Chief Scientific Officer (In Charge) Plant Physiology Division, BARI, Jodebpur, Gazipur |
00-00-0000 |
00-00-0000 |
28103 |
Development of Rainfed Rice Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh. |
Md. Murshedul Alam
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh |
00-00-1985 |
00-00-1986 |
28104 |
Physiological and Biochemical Changes in Some Selected Sesame Genotypes Under Water Logging at Vegetative Stage |
Dr. Rina Rani Saha Chief Scientific Officer (In Charge) Plant Physiology Division, BARI, Jodebpur, Gazipur |
02-03-2014 |
00-00-0000 |
28105 |
Yield and Nitrogen Nutrition of Modern Rice as Affected by Nitrogen Fertilization Under Irrigated Culture |
A. T. M. A. Choudhury
Soil Chemistry Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh. |
00-00-1990 |
28106 |
Assessment of Drought Tolerance in Wheat Genotypes by Osmotic Stress Imposed at Early Seedling Growth Stages |
Dr. Rina Rani Saha Chief Scientific Officer (In Charge) Plant Physiology Division, BARI, Jodebpur, Gazipur |
00-00-2014 |
00-00-0000 |
28107 |
Growth and Yield of Fine Grain Rice Under Moisture Stresses During Post Flowering |
Nipun Sarker Former MS Student Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh
01-08-2003 |
31-12-2003 |
28108 |
Growth and Yield of Some Wheat Cultivars Under Different Levels of Soil Salinity |
Md. Shariful Islam Former MS Student Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh |
01-11-2001 |
01-03-2002 |
28109 |
Performance of Sugarbeet in Bangladesh |
S. M. Altaf Hossain
Department of Agronomy
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh. |
00-11-1978 |
00-04-1979 |
28110 |
Growth and Yield Performance of Some Advanced Mutant Lines of Lentil Under Rainfed and Irrigated Conditions |
Dr. Md. Tariqul Islam Principal Scientific Officer and Head Crop Physiology Division,
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture,
BAU Campus, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh |
00-00-1990 |
00-00-1991 |
28111 |
Studies on the Carp Seed Collection Nature of Trade and Status in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh |
M. S. Haq
Department of Fisheries Biology and Limnology Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh,Bangladesh. |
00-04-1974 |
00-08-1974 |
28112 |
Characterization of K+ -stimulated Adenosine Triphosphatase (k+ -atpase) Activity of Corn Roots |
A. N. M. Alamgir
Department of Botany, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh |
01-01-1977 |
31-12-1977 |
28113 |
Effects of Temperature on the Composition, Colour, Texture and Reconstitution of Dehydraed Shrimps |
J. A. Begum
Department of Food Technology and Rural Industries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensihgh |
28114 |
Correlated Response in Niger Guizotia Abyssinica Cass. (compostitae) |
Oilseed Research Centre & Plant Breeding Division, BARI, Gazipur, Bangladesh. |
00-00-1992 |
00-00-1993 |
28115 |
Effect of Intercropping of Sesbania Rostrata on the Growth and Yield of Rice |
M. S. U. Bhuiya
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural Unlvesity, Mymensingh |
01-06-1990 |
31-12-1990 |
28116 |
A Comparative Study of Single and Combinations of Different Dietary Grain Sources on the Performance of Laying Hens |
A. K. M. Mazharul Huq
Department of Poultry Science,
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh. |
28117 |
Causes of Being Landless of the Landless Laborers |
M. A. Kashem
Dept. of Agricultural Extension and T. T. Bangladesh Agricultural University, Myrnensingh |
30-05-1977 |
23-06-1977 |
28118 |
Biology, Ecology and Ethology of Oligonychus Biharensis (hirst.) Infesting Common Flower Plants in Bangladesh |
Institute of Food and Radiation Biology, Atomic Energy Research Establishment,
G. P. O. Box No. 3787, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
00-04-1992 |
00-06-1994 |
28119 |
Yield Potentiality Study of 32 Exotic Varieties of Potato Tested for Three Successive Years |
M. M. Rahman
Scientific Officer, Potato Research Project, BARI. Sub-Station, Bangladesh. |
28120 |
Inheritance of Yield and Yield Components in Spring Wheat |
A. K. M. Shamsuddin
Departrrient of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
20-11-1982 |
16-03-1983 |