27951 |
Studies on the Effects of Supple'mental Feed on the Growth of Nile Tilapia in Floating Ponds |
M. R. Hasan
Department of Fisheries Biology '& Limnology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh |
20-04-1979 |
20-07-1979 |
27952 |
Studies on Composition and Spoilage Pattern of Seven Varieties of Marine Fish |
S. F. Rubbi
Institute of Food Science and Technology
Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Dhaka.
Received on 13-7-85 |
27953 |
Growth Yield and Biochemical Parameters of Some Grasspea Genotypes |
M. Ekramul Hoque Former MS Student Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh
30-11-2005 |
09-03-2006 |
27954 |
Optimization of Herbicide Teana 9 Ec Dose for Controlling Weeds in Brinjal |
Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur - 1701, Bangladesh |
00-00-2013 |
00-00-2014 |
27955 |
Adoption of Improved Package of Practices for Transplant Aman Rice Cultivation |
M. Raisul Haider Principal Scientific Officer Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, P.O. Box-a, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, |
00-01-2000 |
00-05-2000 |
27956 |
Ventilation in Livestock Building Under Tropical Conditions |
Dr. Md. Wali Ullah
Department of Agricultural Engineering and Basic Engineering, Bangladesh
Agricultural University,
Mymensingh. |
27957 |
Nature of Pollination in Brassica Campestris |
M.H. Rahman
Integrated Oilseeds Reaearch Project
Department of Genetics and plant Breeding
Bangladesh Agrlculturel Unlversity
Mvmensingh |
00-00-1986 |
00-00-1987 |
27958 |
Effect of Datura Alkaloids and Gamma Radiations on Some Morphological Features and Yield of Tomato |
Md. Asadul Alim Former MS Student Department of Crop Botany, BAU, Mymensingh
00-02-2006 |
00-05-2006 |
27959 |
Studies on the Growth and Development in Wheat |
M. Sultan Uddin Bhuiya
Department of Agronomy,Bangladesh Agricultural University,Mymensingh. |
04-12-1985 |
27960 |
Some Socio-economic Aspects of Rice Farmers in Tangail District |
A. R. Molla
Department of Agricultural Economics,
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh |
27961 |
Infrared Study on Crosslinked Dyed Jute Fabric |
Md. Kamal Uddin Director General Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka-1207. |
27962 |
Effect of Chemical Treatment on the Physical Properties of Different Portions of Jute Fiber |
Md Moslem Uddin Princial Scientific Officer (CC) Textile Physics Division, Technology Wing, Bangladesh Jute research Institute, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka-1207. |
27963 |
Modified Acetocarmine/n-banding Technique for Wheat Chromosome Identification at Meiosis |
M. wazuddin
Dept. of Gentles and Plant Breeding,
Bangladesn Aqricuhural Unlversltv,
27964 |
Downy Mildew and Leptosphaerulina Blight on Mustard Two New Diseases Recorded in Bangladesh |
Md. Bahadur Meah
Department of Plant Pathology
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh. |
00-00-1983 |
00-00-1985 |
27965 |
Variability in Vegetative and Reproductive Characters for the Identification of Develped Mutants of Groundnut/peanut |
M. M. A. Mondal
Crop Physiology Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, P.O. Box No.4, Mymensingh. |
00-00-1995 |
00-00-1996 |
27966 |
Genetic Parameters and Correlation Coefficient in Safflower (carthamus Tinctorius L.) |
M. S. Alam
Regionl Agricultural Research Station Jamalpur, Bangladesh |
01-01-1981 |
31-12-1981 |
27967 |
Response of Four Exotic Strains of Aman Rice to Urea |
M. Idris
Department of Soil Science,
Bangladesh Agricultural Univeralty,
Mymensingh |
00-08-1976 |
00-11-1976 |
27968 |
Physico-chemical Changes in Waterlogged Soils: Ii. Change in Iron, Manganese, Calcium. Rotassium and Total Soluble Salts in Solution |
F. A. Choudhury
Department of Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh |
27969 |
Effect of Methods of Planting on the Growth and Yield of Wheat |
A.U. Sarker
Department of Agronomy
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh. |
00-11-1979 |
00-03-1980 |
27970 |
Character Association and Path Analysis in Bread Wheat (triticum Aestivum L.) |
Modan K. Das
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpure, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
01-01-1982 |
30-06-1983 |